ok i agree
TS Member
Someone very important has told me that sub terra is opening on May 5th

Someone very important has told me that sub terra is opening on May 5th.
Someone high up in Merlin or just a random ride op?Someone very important has told me that sub terra is opening on May 5th.
I saw group of people outside sub terra and they all said may 5th.Someone high up in Merlin or just a random ride op?
I know something you don’t know…
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Agreed, I would be extremely surprised if it opened exactly the same the original. They'd be missing a trick if they didn't change it to fit with Nemmy's new story.With all this further Nemesis build up I find it very hard to believe that NST isn’t going to to see some changes to tie itself in with it
And with the numbers on queuetimes.com you were talking about yesterday as well...May 5th would make sense as it's the Coronation Bank Holiday weekend, but time will tell.
I wouldn't be surprised if everything is the same up until the second lift/exit maze section - which I can see being different.I don’t know about anyone else, but based on all the marketing materials around the viewing platform, as well as the video released by Alton Towers to publicise the arrival of new track, I’m thinking that Sub-Terra might have an altered storyline to do with some sort of Phalanx cover-up… previous publicity materials have talked about “Phalanx corruption” and implied towards some sort of Phalanx cover-up, so I think it seems logical that Sub-Terra would be altered to embody this.
That would also line up with the reports that people have heard things coming out of the building that were never there previously… what do you guys think?