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Oblivion: General Discussion

To try and bring this back on topic before the admins appear, I'll say this.

When Oblivion does reach the end of its service life, I wonder what would replace it? Maybe an Oblivion which has been extended ever so slightly? Maybe an Oblivion which (Like Nemesis Reborn) Is just the same ride with new track and paint?
They won't ever remove it in my opinion, its too iconic. Retracking is entirely possible as they managed to get it in there with the tunnel being complete when it was built. I can't see an extension as its too close to Farely Lane, what I do see them doing however is making the drop a full 90 degrees as the new trains will likely sport the spring loaded wheels to make it possible, wouldn't imagine too much if any modification would be needed.
They won't make it floorless. A huge undertaking for minimal gain. Word is the existing station building is in dire need of repair so I could see that and a general tart up soonish.

I’ve heard that from several sources. Half expected it to be closed later in the season to allow for a full station rebuild.

Apparently it’s pretty rotten - and the cracks have been papered over to many times
I’ve heard that from several sources. Half expected it to be closed later in the season to allow for a full station rebuild.

Apparently it’s pretty rotten - and the cracks have been papered over to many times
Have heard the station is reaching end of life too. Went on the weekend and it didn't look too bad but I'm sure its awful close up haha, do you know where most of the wear is interior, exterior or both?
It’s clear x sector should be next on the list for a major tidy up.

New theming pieces added. Oblivion and Smiler stations refurbished.

Smiler overflow queue on the main path removed. Smiler queue in the pit improved and tidied up. (Drainage, shade, theming, cover, TVs etc)

X Sell turned back into an actual merch shop. Game stall removed.

New flat, or 2 added.

Area theme music perhaps?

It needs a Fobidden Valley style glow up, with arguably Ministry of Joy playing larger role and an overarching narrative established with Oblivion.
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I’ve heard that from several sources. Half expected it to be closed later in the season to allow for a full station rebuild.

Apparently it’s pretty rotten - and the cracks have been papered over to many times
I have seen this although I wouldn't say it was rotten from the look and feel of the floor, but the edges of some of the floor panels has some holes (the holes are in areas inaccessible for guests, I mainly noticed them in between the air gates) but to me it mainly looks like in the past paint has chipped on the edge and rot got into the edge, although I have no clue on the supporting members of the floor as guests can't really see that up close.
although some other parts of the station could use some work, there is a section of trim missing from last year, and the gates and station feels very tight and compact (compared to a station like the smiler, galactica or nemesis) although they have done some work like some painting over the winter.
They won't make it floorless. A huge undertaking for minimal gain. Word is the existing station building is in dire need of repair so I could see that and a general tart up soonish.
I think if they retrack it, it probably isn't too bad as the main hardware required would be the station modifications electronics/plc programming would probably be done with a retrack, and they may have to buy new trains anyway (like they did with nemesis reborn) this is something which has been done at busch gardens tampa before.
I’ve heard that from several sources. Half expected it to be closed later in the season to allow for a full station rebuild.

Apparently it’s pretty rotten - and the cracks have been papered over to many times
As long as they have the original blueprints of it, I'm pretty confident with a faithful rebuild. If not, I dare imagine what the new station would look like, probably bye bye to the cool brutalist Sci fi architecture, replaced a bunch of containers welded together.
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The station is steel and concrete. I struggle to see how they are failing after what, just over 25 years. Not saying they are wrong and it is nit failing. But yeah.
Yup, likewise.
The concrete on Watson Rd Overpass at Blackpool has been there twice as long, in terrible seaside conditions...primarily salt spray, and has had major patchwork repairs every few years for the last 25 years.
Concrete rot can be tested and repaired, quickly.
Send in the main with the big bucket of concrete, with a big bunch of rebar in his back pocket.
The station is steel and concrete. I struggle to see how they are failing after what, just over 25 years. Not saying they are wrong and it is nit failing. But yeah.

I thought the same, but can only relay what I’ve heard. Heard it several times so it must be true ….


Maybe the core is ok, but all the fibre additional elements aren’t? No idea to be honest.

What’s clear though is that it does need some work.
My lad watched Oblivion for the first time yesterday and it absolutely blew him away. The roar of the train going into the pit is one of his top memories of the day (and therefore one of mine)

Which made me think that the area has two visually impactful rides, so any thematic updates should make it a nicer place to sit and eat and watch the rides.

An obvious marriage of well-manicured lawned social spaces and nefarious technology is the Silicon Valley ‘campus’. Megalomaniac Tech Bro Boss (Alton Musk, etc.) is an easy archetype for a character baddie.

Plus it would be a nice gear change from secretive organisation operating in the shadows to public organisation shamelessly harvesting our data and rigging elections.
Personally what id like to do with the tunnel is line the inside with huge mirrors and light it up with a black light strobes, give it a really trippy feel when you into into the abyss.
I can't see how it is broke, but there are clearly things I do not know about the station. So very plausible that something does need major work.

They could have built it on the cheap, using the concrete they are having to remove from schools for all we know, due to it collapsing. I don't know.
Hopefully when the rumored work to the station takes place we'll see a return of the SRQ too. Always worked well on Oblivion
Probably not if the queue layout stays the same as the SRQ is now being used for Ambulant RAP (and works really well I must say).