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Phantasialand: General Discussion

@DiogoJ42 raises a good point. The park may build new things less often than many parks, but what they do build appears to be of an absolutely incredible quality! (For clarity, I’ve never visited Phantasialand, but areas like Klugheim and Rookburgh do look stunning!)
Is this where the plant wall is do you think?
No it’s replacing the wooden fence between the main Taron queue and Chiapas’ exit.

New rockwork structure will extend up to the bridge between Mexico and Klugheim giving a solid thematic divide. Making Klugheim more of a 360 immersive area like Rookburgh.
Has always been a major gap seeing Mexico from inside Klugheim really.

From the other side on the bridge midway it will look like some Mexican buildings allegedly.

New logo and description online for the new for 2024 adventure play attraction Avoras in Wuze Town.

Also in the Fantasy area the water play area Octowuzy has been removed; it’s complimentary sand & water play area ‘Phenies Mitsch-Matsch-Spaß’ was removed already last year. This now opens up a decently sized space for development.

Octowuzy has gone!? How can you remove something with such an incredible name!

Does look like it is going to still be a good while before we see a new major or even moderate ride at Phantasialand.
Shows how messy the last few years have been. Always feels like FLY only opened last year or something.

Stupid Covid ruining everything.

Would be interesting to see whether Covid did actually effect any investments.

Phantasialand always seem to take their time and do few and few bar between. When I went in 2017 some Fly track and theming was already installed. Its the reason I didnt visit again until 2023.

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@DiogoJ42 raises a good point. The park may build new things less often than many parks, but what they do build appears to be of an absolutely incredible quality! (For clarity, I’ve never visited Phantasialand, but areas like Klugheim and Rookburgh do look stunning!)
I know you're going to Portadventura first, but in my opinion you can't miss Phantasialand. I did a PL and Efteling trip as the two aren't really that far apart in the grand scheme of things. I'd definitely have it on the radar for your next trip.

I can't think of a park that captivated me as much as this one did. It's hard to explain, you have to be there. I'm fully aware of its flaws and was before I went. But you know how you set a high bar and things either disappoint from the glossy pictures you've seen, but when you're there in the flesh they either don't (Merlin attractions), or do (Europa) meet them? Phantasialand exceeded them. Not the big all rounder park that Europa is, and has many deficiencies, but my second favourite in Europe, and the one I'm kind of most looking forward to going back to.
With the park reopening tomorrow Avoras is finished and ready to go. Phantasialand have added it to their webpage along with these pictures.




Explore the hidden paths and dizzying climbs together with the whole family ... and find new ways to reach the sky above the Wuze Valley.

Swaying climbing nets and fast-paced tube slides, steep ladders and hidden steps – the most imaginative paths wind their way around the giant bird's body, ever upwards. Level after level, young and old alike are constantly exploring the new surprises that Avoras has in store for them. Along amazing perspectives and interactive equipment and even inside the feathered giant – full of zest for action on the trail of all its secrets ...

With Avoras, a huge monument has been erected at the gates of Wuze Town in honour of the mighty primeval bird from the legends of the Wuze. This bright bunch of people have set themselves the task of exploring it. To do so, they need the help of explorers big and small with a good dose of explorer's courage. And if the portion turns out to be a little smaller – so what? Everyone only ventures as far and as high as they like.

A surprise addition has also been revealed in Deep In Africa - Mopti's Monkey Depot.
Situated between Mamba's lifthill building/where the African Drums are set up and Colorado Adventure; it is a climbing course/play area for kids to let off steam while parents can relax in an adjoining picnic area.





Surely quality beats quantity? ;)
I fully agree.

But new rides, even smaller ones, breathe life into revisits.

Phantasialand is beautiful, but quickly becomes stale as with its small size, you end up repeat riding by the end of day 1. They also do no events apart from Christmas.

It doesn't help I have somewhat gone off F.L.Y.

Can't they just sort the Crazy Bats/Hollywood Tour building out?
Phantasialand 2024 round up

Both hotels have seen refurbishments, currently 5 of 6 Dragon meet and greets are back along with a few other characters out in the areas, and a number of gastronomy changes/improvements like new Churro variations and a new Asian food menu at the China Snack. A couple new bits of theming in Berlin also.

The new family play attraction Avoras opened with all its paths, climbing equipment, interactives and slides.




Across the Fantasy area there is a new soundtrack. As mentioned above the old water play area Octowuzy has been removed; currently the site has had sand poured over it with some potted palm trees and sun-loungers placed there as a temporary measure until the site is redeveloped at a later date.




As well as the new kids play area Mopti's Monkey Depot; the park have continued to add many little theming details across Africa.
The entire flooring throughout the area has been replaced with a new more in theme style floor (a section of which was already introduced last year with the WeWe Road expansion). A proper queue line has been set up for the Baobab Snack, and a new area transition between Africa and Mexico/Colorado Adventure has been created - part of the initiative to make all areas as enclosed and immersive as possible to be on the level of Rookburgh.




Africa's small Kilamba Shop however has been permanently closed with one doorway blocked up and made into a bench.


As the park themselves recently shared a major project is underway to create a proper themed boundary between Klugheim and Mexico to make both more immersive without the wide open view into each other.
The wooden fence between the Taron queue and Chiapas exit is gone and a rockwork wall on the Taron side has been erected. The Mexico side is still a work in progress. As the rockwork climbs up the bridge; the Mexico path side will merge into a new Mexican building opposite the Tacana Snack as a new covered seating area allegedly.




However as part of the new theming structures work there appears to also be some structural changes coming - a new support and screws into the bridge, along with new foundations in the Chiapas basin. Potentially a new stairway connection from the bridge down to the Chiapas exit and toilets/Klugheim entry here?


Additionally to make Mexico more immersive the food stands arcade between Mexico and Berlin has been enclosed on the Berlin side and is being fully themed up as a Mexico street.
Themed lighting and some detailing is still a work in progress.


They have also knocked through the wall in one place and connected it to this decorative Berlin square tower - this when finished will increase the floorspace and seating areas available in the arcade.

Source PhantaFriends.de


Source RideOnBlog.de

So a lot has changed and is still a work in progress as PHL continue to play theming sandbox mode. Presumably the Mexico/Berlin and Mexico/Klugheim boundaries will be finished come summer time.
Staying at the Charles Lindbergh hotel tonight, will be posting a full trip report when I’m back but as it stands, it’s looking like Talocan will be down for the entirety of our stay. Tarp covering the gondola and engineers on site all day unfortunately!

EDIT: it’s just opened!
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Hi all. Heading over to Phantasialand next week for my first visit since 2010 (!!!) when Black Mamba was the headliner attraction. Safe to say I cannot wait to experience all the new (to me!) additions. I am aware the attractions open at 10, but rope drop is at 9am.

I assume the masses head straight to Taron, but do any of the smaller attractions open prior to 10am that we could squeeze in?

In particular, I love the idea of doing the Deep in Africa Adventure Trail as a warm up to the day (theming looks unreal). Do you know whether this walk through experience is available from 9am at rope drop, or does it open at 10 along with the rest of the attractions?

Any other thoughts or suggestions relating to your favourite order to tackle the park in would also be appreciated. Thank you!
The waveswinger opens early (and I think the carousel as well).

I think that F.L.Y is a good way to start the day, it will absolutely knock you out the first time you walk in to Rookburgh and it’s a cool area to wait in. Taron has a single rider queue so it’s easy to get on that fairly quickly as your second attraction.
Yes, the two spinny rides in Berlin should be open a bit early. They're both great, especially the swings at the end of the street, although I would still recommend hopping in the queue for FLY or Taron first thing. There will be a lot of people but assuming the rides open on time you'll get on very quickly and will be done by 10:15 or so at the latest. Rookburgh and Klugheim are both absolutely jaw-dropping areas which makes waiting around for an hour not so much of a chore.