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Plopsaland De Panne General Discussion

There's no single rider queue but at times it can just be walk on up to the station. It's very possible that you can be on it and done within 10 minutes if they are running two trains and the park isn't too busy, it gets much less of a queue than the family rides do there.

But think of it this way, if you are driving all that way to treat him to a visit to the park then you deserve a treat yourself. Obviously I don't know you or your son, but I know from my own experiences as a family visiting a park (with a son who is neurodivergent and doesn't like big intense rides) that splitting up and letting people experience different things can be a great way to make sure that everyone has an enjoyable time and gets to ride on what they want. No need to feel guilty at all about the idea of riding it yourself when he can't.

Sure. I’d feel guilty because I know he’d love to go on it though. And tbh the best part of the trips is the pure joy on his face on the rides.

Yeah trying to ditch a kid can often be a lot harder than putting something on that you think will preoccupy them.

Hopefully you get a chance though. Could also "forget" something in the car and volunteer go back and get it via the ride.

“Back in a bit, those waffles have gone right through me”
So looks like we are off this weekend and my son officially came in at just under 1.26m barefoot. He has a pair of pretty chunky shoes but i still don't think he's going to quite make it for Ride To Happiness. How rigorous is the height checking? Do they have measurements at the entrance? I don't really want to queue and have him be turned away as he'll be devastated.
So looks like we are off this weekend and my son officially came in at just under 1.26m barefoot. He has a pair of pretty chunky shoes but i still don't think he's going to quite make it for Ride To Happiness. How rigorous is the height checking? Do they have measurements at the entrance? I don't really want to queue and have him be turned away as he'll be devastated.
How “chunky” are these shoes? Some types of trainer are probably 4cm or thicker, so you might be lucky!

I’d imagine they’re probably quite hot on the height checking, though. I can’t speak for Plopsaland specifically, as I’ve never been, but most parks round down (in terms of centimetres) rather than up, so your son probably won’t get on it if he measures even vaguely under 1.3m, I’m afraid.
Parks can and will make him take his shoes off for height checking. Bending the system never goes well. Get him a waffle (they're great) and send him on Dragen or something whilst you nip on RtH

I don’t understand the logic of shoe removal if the height requirement is otherwise being universally applied to people with shoes. Obviously you’ll be shorter without them but that is technically the size you’ll be riding at.

But I digress as that’s probably a thread in itself! Guess I’ll see how the park runs on the day. Anubis is 1.25m so we are good for that.

The restraints on RtH do seem to suggest the requirement is more based on intensity, as far as I can see you could be notably shorter and have no risk of falling out? Girth or lack of seem more of an issue?
Parks never let me take off my trainers if I ever get max height checked besides once on swarm they once said I could ride if I took my shoes off which I didn't even know you were allowed to do 😂 evacuation procedures and all that.

I think if your child is just under wearing slightly beefier trainers is probably no drama as they measure you with shoes anyway, but I've heard of parents using height extending inserts and wearing hats under hoods which seems quite irresponsible.
Shoes off for riding depends on which ride. Oblivion for example requires shoes to be worn, the catwalks would tear your feet to pieces on that.
Parks never let me take off my trainers if I ever get max height checked besides once on swarm they once said I could ride if I took my shoes off which I didn't even know you were allowed to do 😂 evacuation procedures and all that.

I think if your child is just under wearing slightly beefier trainers is probably no drama as they measure you with shoes anyway, but I've heard of parents using height extending inserts and wearing hats under hoods which seems quite irresponsible.

Will pack some gel...
