TS Administrator
I agree there is a difference with the London Resort, they've bought the land for a start after all! But at the same time what proof is there that the resort as you put it, is going to happen? There's no outline published for what's going where, no transport plan, no tangible community engagement away from "hi we're Universal" and no kind of application submitted yet.There is a massive difference here compared with the London Resort. The current 'feasibility' stage is effectively 'will they let us build it'. The market sensibility will have been decided long ago. It's going to happen.
We are years away from this theme park being built, market conditions change, company priorities change - no matter how large they are and hurdles can be put up by stakeholders as they see some tangible plans. Until we start to see construction, no one can truthfully say this project is going to happen. It's right that some people, including myself continue to express some reservations at this stage of the project and look at things objectively. A simple phrase sums it up - enjoy the ride and don't get too carried away!