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Hi guys, *quick question* (as the thread states) We're making our only trip of the year to towers on the 2nd and 3rd of September this year, and were wondering how busy you lot reckon it'll be? I get that it'll be far busier than last September after the incident but how long do you think queues will be? We'll be doing 2 days just in case, cheers
^ you get a "like" just for being one of those rare new members that realised this thread exists. Welcome! :D

As for those dates, I'm not the best person to answer, but the Friday should at least be quiet. "Just after the kids go back to school" is usually a good time to visit most parks.
Can someone please explain this to me a little more?

We get a pass from Guest Services on the way in - who needs to show this at a ride, just parent 2? At the entrance or exit?

Does parent 2 have to ride alone, or can other adults join them?

Thanks in advance!

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I was planning on buying tickets from eBay but I'm not sure on how safe that is. Has anyone ever done this or is it safe to do?
I was planning on buying tickets from eBay but I'm not sure on how safe that is. Has anyone ever done this or is it safe to do?
Towers can (supposedly) invalidate any tickets where the code is visible not the photo. Also, make sure it's not the sun tickets only available on certain days. Should be alright though, just be careful.
urrrg, Only pay what is printed on the ticket...
paying 30 odd quid for a ticket someone has probably gotten for free by complaining at Box Office is a meh!
Plus as @Leah says Towers can invalidate tickets, you only know when you turn up and try to get in. Then its paying full price on the day or going home
Hello all! Couple of quick questions:
  • Express car parking - how express are we talking? I've never been to AT (I know, right?) so I don't know the layout of the parking. I'll have a 1.5yo and an almost-4yo (going for her birthday) so anything that's closer to the entrance is a bonus. We won park tickets in a competition so am happy to pay out for an extra where it will help.
  • CBeebies Land. I read somewhere there is a one-hour limit? We're pretty much going just for this and it's a 2.5 hour drive each way so you see where I'm going with this...
  • Parent Queue Share - if both my husband and I want to go on rides with our 4yo but someone has to stay back with the 1.5yo, can we use the share ticket to have Parent 1 ride with our daughter, then give the share ticket to Parent 2 so they can ride with her as well? Or is it just for the parents to ride themselves, not with the kids?
  • Thoughts on going the last Sunday of school holidays? Part of me is hoping that families will have blown all of their money by the end of half-term and are busy getting ready for the start of term the next day. We can either go this Sunday (when we know the weather will behave) or next week Thursday (where I think it will be pretty slow?) but who knows what the weather will be like, and if we don't go by then we'll have one very disappointed little girl. This is her birthday treat.
Thanks everyone!
Hello all! Couple of quick questions:
  • Express car parking - how express are we talking? I've never been to AT (I know, right?) so I don't know the layout of the parking. I'll have a 1.5yo and an almost-4yo (going for her birthday) so anything that's closer to the entrance is a bonus. We won park tickets in a competition so am happy to pay out for an extra where it will help.
  • CBeebies Land. I read somewhere there is a one-hour limit? We're pretty much going just for this and it's a 2.5 hour drive each way so you see where I'm going with this...
  • Parent Queue Share - if both my husband and I want to go on rides with our 4yo but someone has to stay back with the 1.5yo, can we use the share ticket to have Parent 1 ride with our daughter, then give the share ticket to Parent 2 so they can ride with her as well? Or is it just for the parents to ride themselves, not with the kids?
  • Thoughts on going the last Sunday of school holidays? Part of me is hoping that families will have blown all of their money by the end of half-term and are busy getting ready for the start of term the next day. We can either go this Sunday (when we know the weather will behave) or next week Thursday (where I think it will be pretty slow?) but who knows what the weather will be like, and if we don't go by then we'll have one very disappointed little girl. This is her birthday treat.
Thanks everyone!
  1. I believe expires parking is much closer to the park, I think it's near the enterence monorail station, never used it though, so I'm not 100% sure on this
  2. No limit on CBeebies land. Don't know where you read that, but you can stay in all day if you wish (in fact, it's on early ride time, so if you have prebooked tickets or a pass you get into the area an hour early :))
  3. Haven't used parent swap at towers (but I have at legoland, and I think it's the same), but I think one parent can wait by the exit of said ride and wait for parent 1 to get off before entering via the exit, meaning the 4 year old would ride twice.
  4. Can't see it being overly busy on either day. The Thursday will be quieter, though the Sunday shouldnt have long queues either.
Hope this was helpful (I'm sure some other members will be certain on the ones I'm not sure of). Enjoy :)
My understanding of parent swap is quite different - it's for parents to go on rides their child is too small for. So one parent rides while the other waits with the child, then they swap without having the second parent queue again.

What I'd like to know is if parent 2 can only ride alone with parent swap, or if another rider in their group can join them?

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Taken from towers website:
What is a Parent Queue Share Pass?
If you’re visiting the theme park with your little ones in tow but still want to enjoy the big rides pick up one of our Parent Queue Share passes.

Parent Queue Share passes enable Parent One to queue in the usual way, ensure that the pass is punched by a ride host. Parent two meets Parent One after the ride and takes the pass to the ride host via the access point to enter the ride. This ensures that the child is not left unaccompanied and that the parents can still enjoy our attractions.

We have enhanced our queue time information system with the introduction of digital boards in five key areas around the Park, as we appreciate our guests like to make informed decisions about which ride or attraction to visit next during the course of their day.

Parent Queue Share Passes are available from our Resort Box Office friendly near the main entrance on Towers Street, or from participating rides & attractions.
So yes, you are right @meryll83
express parking is next to the entrance. if you google map alton towers it can be seen to the left of the monorail and entrance.
Express parking is excellent though not cheap (£16),
follow the signs, right turn after about 300 metres after entering the park gates,
pay the staff member by the right turn, then avoid the massive potholes as you head back towards the entrance.
Take a picnic and eat by the big trees on the car park,
that covers the cost of the parking!
It is one minute walk to the turnstiles, the turnstiles are then a one minute walk to c beebies
The park has been very quiet recently,
cbeebies and Galactica have been the only areas mildly busy.
Express parking gives you a two minute walk to the park entrance.
Regular parking gives you a two minute walk to the monorail, followed by a 5 minute wait and a 5 minute monorail journey.
Please! @60640intheuk, save your money! Spend £16 on something else, express parking is NOT a necessity! As @jon81uk has stated, regular parking results in the same amount of walking to the monorail station as the express car park does to the park entrance.
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