Harrison Pearce
TS Member
does anyone have the air font that i could download or be able to make one thanks
does anyone have the air font that i could download or be able to make one thanks
I was wondering if they are enforcing ERT this year or are they just letting everyone in like last year?
Go and enjoy it anyway,
the queues are shorter,
the coasters run faster.
And it rarely rains all day.
Less friction = faster ride. Also more intense/fun due to the added speed.Thanks so much you've lifted my bad mood, what do you mean run faster, that sounds very good!
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Coasters tend to run faster in the rain...
more lubrication and less friction I suppose,
some hurt a bit (rita),
but few things are more refreshing than Smiler's vertical lift hill in heavy rain!
Buy a poncho in the entrance shop and get going.
Queues are shorter as people drop out before setting off,
and even if they do turn up,
often leave early.
I'm a self employed gardener,
so I always use my season ticket to whatever park on wet days,
when I can't work.
So that makes me a bit of a "coasters in the rain" expert I suppose.
Have you already booked tickets? If so I think you get a rainy day guarantee (free return tickets if it rains significantly).Hi, I'm going to Alton Towers in the next few days, now all the weather forecasts are saying heavy rain and possible thunder storms... Is this going to absolutely trash my birthday day out or if worst comes to worst will I get a ticket refund for another day, if so will I get a choice or date range as to when I can return?
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