TS Member
This has got to be a contender for the one of the worst operational days in the parks history, surely? Weather issues aside, of course.
It wasn’t on that really foggy Wednesday a week and a bit ago.Is it foggy in Alton tonight, then?
I guess that could be a factor if so, but wouldn’t everything be shut if it was too foggy?
That’s interesting to hear. I’d have thought that severe fog might pose problems for CCTV?It wasn’t on that really foggy Wednesday a week and a bit ago.
Rides were closing and opening as and when they wanted.
I think it was rides where the ride areas need to be monitored more for possible intruders (Galactica/Thirteen) Nemesis, Rita etc seemed to work ok in the fog.That’s interesting to hear. I’d have thought that severe fog might pose problems for CCTV?
It also makes the issues tonight more perplexing… you’d normally think that there would be some sort of weather-related mitigating circumstance causing this sort of availability.
could it be wind? would make sence as oblivion and smiler usually goes down first for wind.Is Smiler down because of fog?
34mph for gusts is the maxSo about 16 mph, which I think is within tolerance?
Given the effort they've put into a themed sign, could this suggest that it will become more the norm for the remainder of the season?
Think it’s fairly clear that the suggestion here is that if time and effort has been put into making a sign, it’s likely to be because it is expected to be used repeatedly, frequently, which for a ride being unavailable is not great. Not overly sure the sarcastic response helped or forwarded the conversation muchThe great things with signs is that you can take them down when you no longer need them, and reuse them when you do.
They usually nick spares from Stealth if Rita needs a part as they're similar rides.Rita being closed awaiting a part.
The difference between some of the examples you’ve mentioned and a theme park is that in the theme park case, there is the option to do something else if a certain ride breaks down. You don’t go to a theme park to go on one particular ride (in most cases), you go for the whole experience and a variety of rides.
In the case of the flight, for example, you take it to go to one place, and if they only take you halfway there, they blatantly aren’t providing you with the advertised service. Whereas at Alton Towers, you aren’t going there for one specific ride, you’re going for a variety of rides and the whole experience.
Rather than it being like you going to a restaurant and them only bringing half your order (as you argue), I’d argue it’s more akin to if you went to a restaurant and they weren’t serving a particular dish due to them having run out (which I have known happen plenty of times and have every sympathy with). They are serving a reduced menu, but there are still plenty of other things to pick from, and you can still have the fundamental service you paid for.
Alton Towers state in their T&Cs that they reserve the full right to withhold any and all attractions from the product as they see fit. The park does not sell themselves on one particular attraction or set of attractions, they sell themselves on an overall package.
Are you by any chance a pass holder?I've been on park today.
It has not been one of the worst days in operational history.
Nor this year.
Queues have been exaggerated on the app at times. Thirteen listed at 90, we were on in 50. RMT posted at 35, we were on on 15. Wicker Man at 100. We were on in 70.
Yes, Nemesis on one train has been poor. But it's open. Rita being closed awaiting a part. Before anyone jumps on the "why isn't there a spare sitting around", consider the fact it could be a part that doesn't require frequently replacing and they can't cost in every part being on site to repair.
It hasn't been perfect today, but it's not been insufferable. Always fun to be on park and watch the keyboard criticisms online. Christ.
Think it’s fairly clear that the suggestion here is that if time and effort has been put into making a sign, it’s likely to be because it is expected to be used repeatedly, frequently, which for a ride being unavailable is not great. Not overly sure the sarcastic response helped or forwarded the conversation much![]()