Would you ever believe anything either side would say though?It seems likely he has been killed as both Wagner and Russia have said as much. From the BBC:
Russia's Federal Air Transport Agency has included Yevgeny Prigozhin's name on a list of those "declared as travelling on board the crashed plane".
and also
A Telegram channel believed to be linked to Yevgeny Prigozhin has said the Wagner leader is dead. Grey Zone said he was "killed as a result of actions by traitors of Russia".
The BBC has not been able to verify this information.
Yep, but there really is no way of knowing for sure if the Wagner leader was on board.Ah come on....its been blown up or shot down.
Can you think of a single year you've been alive where the world hasn't been walking head first in to potential conflict? Because I can't. I was born when the UK was at war with Argentina. The UK, US, Russia and China have all been at war various times since then. Not playing down how serious current events are, but what else has changed in almost half a century? Not even the hyperbole it seems, and I say this as a doom monger myself. Grant Shapps spouting irresponsible nonsense, the guy who also still claims his party can win a general election?Dad’s army to make a comeback?
Britain must train citizen army, military chief warns
General Sir Patrick Sanders points to threat of Russia as he warns of UK's lack of readiness for war.www.bbc.co.uk
Honestly - Seems once again countries are walking head first into potential conflict rather than try and resolve it. The world has learnt nothing from the past.
I know a lot of this talk is to bolster NATO and prevent Russia/China from thinking about it in the future but I can’t be the only one who has noticed this huge shift in tone lately. Grant Snapps only 3 days ago said we have moved from a post war era to a pre war one.
Given all the cuts to our military the UK would be like firing a pea shooter at Russia and China if war did break out unless they drastically ramp up funding.
Question is - Does anyone think Trump (who is pretty much guaranteed to be the next US president - as scary as that seems) would be able to stop it or will he accelerate the pace to conflict?
Trump will pull all support for Ukraine, he’s already said that, America first.
He’s no fan of NATO either as he sees it as the US is spending money to defend the Europeans when they won’t, both Germany and France are below the 2% of GDP that countries are supposed to spend on defence to be a member.
It’s quite possible that Trump would pull the US out of NATO.