TS Team
- Favourite Ride
- Dizz, Bobby’s Yarn Land
See now I'm far from a woody fan. Generally I just don't "get them:, unless they have something very special or notable about them (Colossos - Heide Park for example, or if it ever happened The Cross Valley Woody). In theory Zeus should be one of my lest favourite rides, but I actually loved it! It's the only woody I can say I really care for, and would ride over a fair few steel coasters.
It's that wild, untamed feeling to it. The feeling that it could shake itself to pieces at any time, which leaves you clinging on for dear life and yet having a ball at the same time
It's a feeling that no steel coaster, no matter how rough can truly recreate. It's such an incredible sensation of fun, adrenalin, fear, and anticipation all at the same time!
I find old woodies such as the ones at Blackpool a bit boring and dull, regardless of history (Though I do have a bit of a soft spot for Nick Streak), and I find the newer ones I've ridden too well calculated and thought out (I guess in the same way some people view a lot of B&Ms). It's that transitional point where the wooden coaster was stuck between the two that I like. That point where manufacturers (CCI mainly it seems) wanted to push the boundaries a bit more, but still hadn't quite managed a flawless and perfected technique, often with hilarious outcomes (See Zeus rising up in the brakes, or trying to turn a corner smoothly when actually moving in 20 degree jolting intervals
). Megafobia and to a lesser extent Stampida are two that I would like to do just to see if this trend continues as it appears to in POVs (Though Stamp looks a much less exciting layout).
Nice review though Sam. I still need to get out to PA, but it's rather tragic in my opinion that a park with such beautiful areas as PA and the notable headline attractions seems to be plagued with operational standards that would make Holiday Park and Flamingo Land look like beacons of excellence
It's that wild, untamed feeling to it. The feeling that it could shake itself to pieces at any time, which leaves you clinging on for dear life and yet having a ball at the same time
I find old woodies such as the ones at Blackpool a bit boring and dull, regardless of history (Though I do have a bit of a soft spot for Nick Streak), and I find the newer ones I've ridden too well calculated and thought out (I guess in the same way some people view a lot of B&Ms). It's that transitional point where the wooden coaster was stuck between the two that I like. That point where manufacturers (CCI mainly it seems) wanted to push the boundaries a bit more, but still hadn't quite managed a flawless and perfected technique, often with hilarious outcomes (See Zeus rising up in the brakes, or trying to turn a corner smoothly when actually moving in 20 degree jolting intervals
Nice review though Sam. I still need to get out to PA, but it's rather tragic in my opinion that a park with such beautiful areas as PA and the notable headline attractions seems to be plagued with operational standards that would make Holiday Park and Flamingo Land look like beacons of excellence