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Scarefest 2024

To be honest I have absolutely no issue if they want to utilise a lot of existing scenes and make it a little more spooky, I really don’t see anything wrong with this? Why waste good probs and scenery, when let’s be honest most of the general public probably have seen inside before? It will still be a new experience regardless but I don’t feel the need to waste money for the sake of it when the current theming/interior decor is to a pretty high standard.
There isn’t a lot of scenery at all though. Most scenes apart from the Finale (Witches) and the batching show (Keeper), all have 3 black walls with your attention directed towards the front, which is littered with props.

There’s definitely a lot they can do with the props within the attraction, because there’s a lot more props than what was ended up used within the attraction. There’s loads of duplicates and gags from other Dungeons that were never used in the Towers one. The original intention was for the attraction to be refreshed on a regular basis, but due to COVID, this never happened. I’m expecting the attraction to start off similar to The Dungeons but after the boat ride, it’ll devolve into something more akin to Stitches and Trailers at Thorpe.
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I'll be honest here, it's almost a given that AT are going to do something related to Nemesis for Scarefest this year, anyone want to make bets or predictions on what we might see?
I would love to see the boat section utilised but realistically I’m not sure how they would do that whilst keeping a constant flow of guests through the maze as they get really busy?

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I would love to see the boat section utilised but realistically I’m not sure how they would do that whilst keeping a constant flow of guests through the maze as they get really busy?

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This is a boat ride that can easily achieve 800pph, and scare mazes usually have a capacity of ~500pph. They could still run it on a reduced capacity and have it churning through guests without creating a bottleneck…
This is a boat ride that can easily achieve 800pph, and scare mazes usually have a capacity of ~500pph. They could still run it on a reduced capacity and have it churning through guests without creating a bottleneck…

I do wonder how many serviceable boats they have left. Given the nature of the time slots for the dungeons and it’s limited appeal I imagine they didn’t need anywhere near the full compliment of boats to be used.
I do wonder how many serviceable boats they have left. Given the nature of the time slots for the dungeons and it’s limited appeal I imagine they didn’t need anywhere near the full compliment of boats to be used.
This ride was SBNO for 3 seasons, it’s possible that they’ve been working on bringing more boats into operation this season if they wanted the throughput for Scarefest as they’ve had all year to bring them into operation. Although I do believe that occasional boat scattered on the Project Horizon site still had the CatCF design, not that would be hard to change of course.
Be pretty cool if they re-opened it as Toyland tours and put everything back in there as it was, but in its current decayed state! I remember seeing the state of those dolls and soldiers from TLT in a maze a while back and that was pretty scary! Granted it may leave a few gaps in Curse though!
The website now says:

Scarefest returns for 2024!

Brand-new scare attractions for 2024
This alludes to more than one scare attraction this year. It's obvious that Darkest Depths will be removed. Will The Attic or Altonville be removed as well and what are our ideas for themes of the new mazes this year?
I reckon it’s gonna be Daz, Mine tours, something curse related and the DD replacement .
Burial grounds returns, something in FV (maybe just an increased actor interaction?)
Then whatever is in the dungeons (could even be an expansion of Trick or Treat town?)
The attic could be easily altered with an Emily Alton theme along the lines…Emily’s left the manor and invested in real estate,
predominately neglected castles?

I feel the maze next to The Curse could be a Nemesis themed maze

I would love if they could expand on the invitation so you actually go into a morgue and lie in the pull out “freezer chambers” fully close you in like in a morgue with actual 4D effects in the chamber not just sounds. Then pull/slide
You out of the other side into a small scare maze experiencing life and death? But realistically will be exactly the same as last year.

I would love for the old darkest depths site to be a Smiler/sanctuary maze. All about experiments and mind games here they could use some of the left over smiler take over events theming.

Dungeons might be a more of a family maze like darkest depths but that’s debatable?

Mine tours and Daz games will have another year but maybe a new scare zone? A welcome
Addition would be lots of smoke machines and new large scale props down towers street with creatures on stilts like movie world do.
I do wish they stop overusing the hay,pumpkins and bunting this is what cheaper parks do, Alton towers isn’t cheap! I would much prefer more quality and large scale theming that’s more unique and affective rather than copy and paste typical Halloween decorations you see anywhere to just to fill the lawns.
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