I consider myself an optimist, but seriously.
I can't defend this.
Pay a fortune, have less space than a murderer in their cell at her majesty's pleasure, share a toilet with two dozen others, join an endless queu for barely edible sub McDonald's food at premium prices, etc.
AT as a theme park is great, I love it. I loved my stays in ATH and food not withstanding, I don't understand much of the criticisms it gets, but this...
Are we sure it's not an elaborate April Fool's Joke played early?
Anyway, here are a few tips to Merlin on how to "improve" it...
Not enough toilets?... No problem, beat the queu's and hire your very own shovel for just ten pounds per day. It's every shovel you ever dreamed of rolled into one and endorsed by Merlin payed promotor Bear Grylls. You and the family can experience the challenge, fun and action of digging out your own latrines. Make sure you fill them in after use or surcharge will apply. (Toilet paper extra).
Worried about sickness, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, food poisoning, etc. Why not give you and your family the protection you need with our all in one inoculation injection against deseases of poor hygiene for just 15 pounds.
Don't just watch the entertainment. Be part of it. Our entertainments team may have been layed off, but new for 2019 on the ATH stage, we've invested in a 29.99 Karaoke machine from Argos. You can sing, you can dance, have the time of your life. Hell, just do our job for us.
Sorry, I'm usually an optimist, I thought SW8 would be better than plans suggested from day one, but this ..
I know Merlin have gone for some dark themes in recent years, but Concentration Camp...?