If Intamin are involved, I'm certain DF will be the location with two options.
First one is most unlikely is the Cross Valley woody which if you all remember was supposed to be built Intamin back in the day.
Another option is the replacement of Rita with some better though I'm not sure Rita would be truly gone...
What I mean is that with the retrack of Nemesis about to start which will be a like for like replacement, Rita could be something like a complete redesign into something far greater which I feel Intamin would be willing to do; Nemesis retrack could also be a test to see how well a retrack will turn out.
Now what I mean by keeping the Rita name is simple, despite what many of us think of the ride, it is still a favourite among the GP, kind of what happens nowadays on rotten tomatoes for film such as the professional critic score (us enthusiasts) and audience score (the GP). So keeping the Rita name might be a marketing idea to please the punters but much to our chagrin.
Interesting stuff...