I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but... you know Nathan Graveson, who teased that he was working on SW9, and who I talked about on the last page?
Well, I've been informed that Nathan Graveson is likely to be a troll who tricked people into thinking they were an Intamin designer.
If you search "Nathan Graveson Intamin" into Google, the first thing to come up is the profile of a CoasterForce Forum member named
Intamin Forever:
This is relevant because indexed in the search result was an indicator that their forum signature used to say "Nathan Graveson"...
The only other vaguely relevant thing to appear was my TowersStreet post talking about them...
Also, it was later discovered that VelociCoaster's layout was designed by
Keith McVeen, a Universal Creative employee, rather than anyone named Nathan Graveson:
From having asked on CF (I genuinely believed this person to be genuine), they apparently have somewhat of a reputation on there for telling tall tales, and it would appear that this was one of those. Because another CFer who knows Merlin employees said that their employee friend checked the Merlin employee database... and no one called Nathan Graveson works for Merlin.
Sorry to mislead, folks... it appears my lie detector was broken. I do sincerely apologise...