Trooper Looper
TS Member
If talking about the general park visiting populace, is this necessarily true?
From what I can gather, Duel is still quite well liked due to the shooting element, and I do think that for some, going back to the HH would remove that appealing element from it.
And in terms of the other indoor attractions on park; Gangsta Granny went down a treat in 2021 as far as I can tell, so I’m not sure that people riding that were lamenting the loss of HH. And because of GG, I’m also not sure it’s fair to say that Merlin doesn’t care about indoor attractions; whatever you think of GG, it is ultimately an additional family dark ride in Alton Towers’ lineup like many were asking for.
If you’ve heard otherwise, however, I will happily stand corrected!
As a whole, I think it's just a mixed bag, either you love what Merlins doing, or you hate it.
Well, you can't satisfy everyone :/
Gangsta Granny is a decent dark ride by all means, but I think it was the adverts and social media teasers is what made many people feel disappointed. If it was promoted Less, I think it would've would've a lot less backlash and seen a bit more positively from many enthusiasts and a decent amount of the GP.
I think that since the addition of GG, it's time for Duel to retire once and for all and let it's former self finally return, as Gangsta Granny is the ride to have fun on and have a laugh on for all ages. Don't get me wrong, i know many people that still really enjoy the shooting element on Duel, but when I persuaded a couple of mates of mine to put the guns down and just enjoy it as a ghost train, they said themselves that they were pleasantly surprised by how much they enjoyed it without the blasters.
Since GG opened, it won't be long for Duel to lose its popularity as GG takes the crown as the main family dark ride there, so maybe promoting The HH as a new ride could bring in new guests.
But hey, it's just my opinion. Also, I think we're heading off track on the forum now.
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