I’m not sure Towers is really a park that focuses on strongly themed areas anymore (if they ever did) as much as they do immersing guests into individual ride experiences, and I think that’s fine, personally.
They do have quite a few ride experiences now that aren’t necessary homologous with the themed area around them, and I don’t think it significantly detracts from the park. Certainly in cases like Wicker Man within Mutiny Bay, I don’t really think it detracts at all; even though Wicker Man doesn’t really fit within Mutiny Bay in terms of its base theme, I think it’s a really well themed ride in its own right, and doesn’t clash too badly with the area around it. Yes, they could have rethemed Mutiny Bay or made Wicker Man pirate-themed, but I don’t think it would have hugely affected people’s perception of the ride as a whole; Wicker Man seems to have been very well received, and its integration into Mutiny Bay has never seemed to be a strong complaint.
In fact, I’d almost say that I’m not sure if Towers was ever a park that focused strongly on homologous themed areas. Even looking back to the 90s, I would describe Towers as a park that had themed rides within areas as opposed to a park that had themed areas with rides within them (in the style of, say, Islands of Adventure or Europa Park), and I’d say that’s grown even more the case with time.
Even though Towers’ themed areas were perhaps more strongly emphasised back then than they are now, I’m not sure they ever had the strong identities that the rides did. People didn’t think of Gloomy Wood, they thought of the Haunted House. People didn’t think of Katanga Canyon, they thought of the Runaway Mine Train. People didn’t think of Forbidden Valley, they thought of Nemesis.
I also say this because Towers’ themed areas have often had a few slight “holes” or “rough edges”, even back in the 90s when the areas probably had the most onus placed upon them. They were very rarely totally consistent or enveloping. For instance:
- In Forbidden Valley’s early years, you had unthemed rides like Beast and Thunder Looper randomly existing within it with no strong identity or link to the FV story.
- In X-Sector’s early years, you had the Black Hole, which beyond the dark blue tent and X-Sector styled entrance was more of a generic space themed/steampunk styled ride. I wouldn’t call that overly fitting within X-Sector’s story.
- Land of Make Believe/Cred Street/whatever the land behind the Towers Ruins was called at any particular point has often been somewhat of a mish-mash of styles, with no real overarching theme. The onus was definitely more on individual rides in this area than the area itself, from what I can gather.
- Merrie England had the log flume and the 3D cinema randomly existing within it, which weren’t overly medieval themed from what I can gather.
- Ug Land had Corkscrew, which had little theming beyond the entrance sign and didn’t have any strong link into the story, from what I can tell.
- There are other examples I could cite, but I’ll leave it there.
I’ll digress that I was never there, but I’m basing this off of pictures and videos I’ve seen, as well as what I know about the 90s park.
TL;DR: So in summary, I do see where @rob666 is coming from; I’m not sure themed areas are really on guests’ minds at Towers, and I’m not sure they ever really were to any strong extent.