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Thatcher's dead

Nick said:
It's funny, because those who have posted in here did not live during her time in office as PM. So it's likely they've taken their opinion on her from people they know, or reading from the media, both are likely to be horribly biased.

Stupidest post ive seen on here since Sam said something fucking brilliant

Im with Diogo on this one, I agree the woman handled the Falklands well and had great conviction lacked by many political leaders of today (Im looking at you nick clegg) but this idea that market forces are the basis of political liberty which was her main ideology is utter bollocks.

I commend her setting up Ofsted and her handling of the Falklands, but the rest not so much:

- Destroyed unionised labour
- Destroyed mining, steel production,
- The Poll tax
- Wanted to introduce student loans and was never quite able to
- Increased the value of the pound to the benefit of banks and destroyed businesses abilities to lend/manufacture
- She was a supporter of Reagan
- Destroyed working class communities that have never recovered
- Destruction of state housing
- Made it illegal to organise mass pickets
- Made it illegal to strike without a ballot
- Privatisation of BT, Gas and Electricity
- Stopped local business rates being paid to local councils
- Allowed banks to become mortgage lenders
- Allowed building societies to become banks
- Caused a housing boom which crashed in 1989
- Increased unemployment from 1.5m to 3.3m
- Increased amount of children who live under the poverty line to 28%
- Had the highest poverty rate in Europe by 1997
- Massively helped from North Sea Oil and Gas taxes

Odd that the most sustained period of growth was post WW2 for three decades with high tax rates on the rich, higher wage equality, strong trade unions and increased state intervention. Since this was all abolished we've had 3 recessions.

So no, I wasnt thatchers biggest fan, problem is no politician will now roll back what she did thats the biggest problem, probably because they are all bankrolled by big business


See you in hell, you milk snatching, poor hating, Argentinian slaughtering, dictator loving, paedo loving, anti-feminist, gay hating, Mandela hating, Hillsborough covering up, mine closing, industry closing witch.

Now let's sing and dance and drink.

And if you don't like celebrating death, I hope you protest bonfire night as well. Thatcher deserves her death to be celebrated.
She was AWFUL!

The thing is, as you go through life you only keep learning of MORE horrific things this God forsaken woman did!!

Obliterated this country, and it has never recovered, and now we have another load of Thatcherites running the place because not enough people remember the state she left us in!

I admire her strength, her determination, and strong will - it is just a shame she put that effort into something USEFUL.

Most of the rights you have lost as a worker or individual, you can thank her for.

Not without some merits, but then no one is! Otherwise, a ruinous nature.
Very disappointed. I had assumed, like vampires, once you killed the head Neo-Liberal Capitalist, the rest would turn to dust. Has someone tried removing her head? ;)

But in all seriousness, the news today is that an old woman died. An old woman with blood and suffering on her hands, an old woman responsible for destroying civilised society and an old woman that gave birth to today's economic crisis. She was however a human being, and the passing of any human is not something to rejoice, that would be uncivilised. I however will not mourn such a twisted and selfish person, and not let any mourners forget her crimes.
Obviously I'm no expert on this, however from research, I know that whether right or wrong, Thature did a lot for this country.
I can't help think that a lot of you are being very rude. Move the discussion into the tavern if your just going to make 'funny' comments.
I'd like to know in a serious way why you disliked her, as my nan, who I'm with now, thought she was a pretty good PM.
I've just made a quick list of some of the reasons the country is celebrating.

They could fix the economy by burying he in Liverpool and putting a pay toilet above her.
Maya said:
Obviously I'm no expert on this, however from research, I know that whether right or wrong, Thature did a lot for this country.
I can't help think that a lot of you are being very rude. Move the discussion into the tavern if your just going to make 'funny' comments.
I'd like to know in a serious way why you disliked her, as my nan, who I'm with now, thought she was a pretty good PM.

As you seem to enjoy doing research, I have a name for you. Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte
Maya said:
Obviously I'm no expert on this, however from research, I know that whether right or wrong, Thature did a lot for this country.
I can't help think that a lot of you are being very rude. Move the discussion into the tavern if your just going to make 'funny' comments.
I'd like to know in a serious way why you disliked her, as my nan, who I'm with now, thought she was a pretty good PM.

Maya, I defended your right to question before and I do so again.

There are few people in the recent history of this country who did so much damage as Thatcher. As I say, she was not without merits in certain areas of course, but she destroyed manufacturing, and... oh just read Blaze's and especially Ash's list again rather than cramming the thread.

It serves little purpose to celebrate her death to my mind, and I am surprised by Meat Pies balanced post on this lol!

I do however have an understanding why so many WILL celebrate it and be happy. I don't think for a moment it is unfair or disrespectful for people who suffered at her hands to feel a sense of joy at this. I don't, I wish she'd never been PM in the first place and carried on with Ice Cream!

That woman, and indeed that party, got VERY wealthy off the back of other people getting VERY POOR.

The "underclass" we have now? Where do you think that began? Thatcher believed unemployment was GOOD for an economy, well... certain parts of it anyway.

An abomination of a leader.
Maya - But there is a such a wealth of choice when it comes to reasons for hating Thatcher!

Let's start with her destruction of working class democracy by removing the protection for workers and the power of unions against employers, effectively making it impossible to stand up for your rights. And then there's the removal of powers in local government, which was removed because local people had too much autonomous control over their local area, which meant that the working class were able to defend themselves against the Conservative's centralised government.

Then there's the rigourous privitasation of all our services. We lost our energy, water, public transport, etc... to private companies whose only goal was to make a profit at as little cost as possible, rather than to run them for the public good, keep prices reasonable and standards high.

Then what about the embracement of globalisation. Instead of produce products and the stuff we need locally in Britain, she allowed private companies to go over-seas to use abusively cheap labour and make slaves of desperate people just so the company could keep it's costs down, and pay more to their greedy shareholders. This of course then has a massive effect in the UK as all manufactuering jobs disappear leaving mass unemployment and working towns decimated. I mean look at the mines who were forced to shut because Thatcher didn't care about the collective good that they had locally, she only cared about making it cheaper by outsourcing the work to places where people are more desperate and therefore willing to work for disgustingly tiny wages. However, as Tony Benn pointed out, this policy was never carried over to agriculture and farming as this would hurt the Conservative votership, so I sumwhat question people's claims that Thatcher at least stuck to her ideology.

And of course, that's not to mention the deregulation of the private sector which has lead to tax-dodging on a unprecidented scale and which allowed for banks to give out loans they knew their customers couldn't payback because the banks knew that their insurance scam made them more money on failed and bankrupt accounts. That as we know, lead to the banking crisis today where we ended up having to buy all the debt-laden accounts which is the massive debt we are trying to pay off by slashing the welfare of people who had nothing to do with the crisis (and funnily enough, even though the banks caused the crisis, we haven't asked them to contribute).

That's just a start.
CoasterCrazyChris said:
TheMan said:
but she destroyed manufacturing

Well you could argue it was dying anyway...

That's essentially the way I was taught about Thatcherism - the industries were dying and costing the country dearly, and it's probably inevitable that if Thatcher didn't do something, they would have imploded anyway. But one of the big issues was that she simply couldn't relate to the working class, who bore the full brunt of what she did.
AshleeKel said:
But one of the big issues was that she simply couldn't relate to the working classhuman race, who bore the full brunt of what she did.

I've fixed that for you.
I can't comment on her work in Parliament as although I know some, I do not know all. Yes she has done bad things, but some have been good. However, I'm sure that we can all admire her characteristics of ambition, hard work and determinism. :)
The slight irony with Thatcher is that if I remember correctly from my research, she was brought up in quite a working-class family in Grantham, Lincolnshire. In terms of her policies, I didn't like her at all, but her skills in speech-making were very good, I have to confess.
Rob said:
I'm no political expert and I have no real opinion of Margaret Thatcher. Regardless of what she did or didn't do, some of the comments I have seen not only here but over social media do make you question society. Celebrating the death of someone who has a family who would care for her etc. You don't have to like everyone or be upset that she's died, but surely some respect should be shown? As I said I do not know much about what she did but to win three general elections she must have been doing something that a significant proportion of the population liked. I'm sure if some of us were more publicly known opinions would be formed, some negative. How would you feel if people celebrated your death?


People are hypocrites by nature. These people "celebrating" Thatcher's death are the same ones that denounce chants mocking the Hillsborough disaster at football games. Both are mocking the dead, both are morally wrong and are horrible things to do.