GaryH said:
Personally, I couldnt give a flying fig leaf who is having sex with who or what entrances or exits they are using, if they love each other then good for them. Too much hatred in this world, WE NEED MORE LOVE people!!!
The man likes this (not multiple entrances, personally lol ;D - but live and let live, and love people, LOVE!! Listen to the man!)
Blaze said:
If it occurs in nature then yes, it is natural. And lots of straight people do anal, too. Also, you seem to have forgotten lesbians. Also, you seem to have reduced being to just sex. Don't know about you, but all the gay people I know have just as deep and meaningful, not-just-about-sex relationships as the rest of us.
This is so true, to the point it is actually disappointing to find out.
I mean, come on lads!!! ;D
Can't believe that debate about nature carried on either. It is in nature, prevalent even, one may argue, it's a natural aspect of life.
You think gay people go...
"Oh, you know what, I fancy lifting some shirts today! - It is totally against how I feel naturally but sod it, let's gay it up man!"
I just feel the way some speak, it is like a conscious decision or choice is being made, or they are "unnatural" according to biology. Er, problem with that is, it is biology in a self evident fashion - may be it is an evolutionary step, by either:
A) Mother Nature, to stop as many men pestering ladies, or...
B) Men, to avoid a life of being nagged to put the bins out and pick their socks up off the floor.
Sorry guys if you feel I am making light of it, but to me I don't understand how you can argue against something being "natural" when it is self defined as having been created by "nature".
And it happens all through nature too. OK has no logic in a purely procreative sense, that obviously wont work lol, but regardless of your feelings towards gay relationships, it cannot be argued that is not natural or biological. That is proven beyond doubt.
I also feel uneasy speaking about this topic in a way that feels like I am talking about something insignificant. I hope, to those here gay or whatever, that my sentiment comes across, whilst I simply address these points being made.
Come on, how can you sit talking to people and define their nature as not natural in this sense?
Does not compute.