Bear said:
So the basis of this entire thing turns out to be one person's fear of making me moody or emotional, so they've changed their behaviour for the sole purpose of keeping me sweet. I feel deceived in some way, embarrassed that I couldn't be more approachable when that person had a problem to discuss, and possibly more insecure than I've ever felt in my life. It doesn't help that they're a crap communicator so expecting little things to be said to put me at ease just isn't an option. I feel a total idiot for being so blissfully unaware the whole time.
I don't know when I'm even doing right, I just feel like I'm always doing wrong.
Bear, use this time to focus on being a better communicator of your emotions. Remember, communication is two ways, if the people involved we know inside we care for, then how we communicate and relate to each other is often a mirror of experiences we have had through our life. They were before though, the more you chat, understand how these breakdowns occur, the better placed you are to improve them.
True relationships/friendships, are that built upon an understanding we aren't perfect, and trying to work ways around our natural imperfection, to produce bonds that facilitate growing our friendships stronger.
Mutual understanding, improving, valuing, caring, communicating openly yet with compassion and a realisation that sh.. happens

will help.
A door of communication that was closed, is now open, don't allow insecurity or perhaps guilt/embarrassment to let it slip shut again.
How we feel about a situation, isn't always a perfect reflection of what is actually happening, the same as to our anticipation or thoughts as to how others may feel towards us. Best to nurture an environment where you can talk frankly, honestly, yet calmly with a mutual understanding that it is for the betterment of your friendship/relationship whatever it may be - because you deeply care for the person involved.
Let's face it, if you didn't care deeply about this issue, you wouldn't be taking the time to feel bad and post here about it.
Compassion is where it begins, you clearly have plenty of that.
It's very late at night I hope that makes sense, you've been nothing but welcoming to me on here Bear, I hope you feel better in yourself soon, and if any of my ramblings help then great, but as ever, it is only my opinion/attempt at being a mate lol!!