TS Member
- Favourite Ride
- NemiLerVion
Yeah, family suck
Anyway, I hope you're OK and that Scarefest and getting together with everyone cheers you up a bit xx
Yeah, family suck
I've spent the last few months reinventing myself to try to fit back in with them by being something I'm not....or maybe that is the real 'me', I genuinely don't know at the moment.
My mental health is a mess. Have had anxiety for all my life, but over the past few months it's evolved into really serious depression. I'm just finding all areas of my life incredibly hard to deal with and finding myself feeling like nothing is worth bothering with.
Face already hurts, tomorrow will be horrendous. Bloody coaster face
3 hour train journey dragging and dragging, then the realisaton I have to go to lectures tomorrow...
Soooo... I wasn't sure on where to post this particular nugget of information on the forum as it's not quite a 'down' thing but something very personal to me that does negatively impact upon my enjoyment of theme/amusement park visits. It's something I don't want to dedicate a whole topic, in fact I'd rather let the post be buried here over time out of my own dislike for attention, buuuut I just want to air out somewhere it's likely to be seen.
Whenever I go to a park now (so this something recent over the last few months), my body sometimes completely refuses to accept thrill rides/coasters, causing pain around my stomach, abdomen, pelvis and other parts. I'm already not a rollercoaster and intense thrill person, as many of you know, but the fact that I'm almost debilitated when trying to enjoy myself is a very hard thing to deal with; it's why you've probably seen me sit out on coasters and rides more often than usual or complained about feeling unwell/tired than usual.
The strange thing is, after having tests to check if there is anything wrong, that the unwell and painful nature never occurs at any other time outside park visits and I have no underlying disease or illness so there's nothing I can do about it. The most I can do is take painkillers, take it very easy with rests/sleep and hope for the best.
To be honest, I'm not so much bothered about missing out on the coasters or thrill rides as I am about my body making it hard to enjoy myself when I'm out sosch'ing with good company at parks nowadays. I'm thankful it rarely triggers any other afflictions I have though.
thanks im gonna go tomorrow im just fearful of being put on medication
Thanks so much help I feel like a yo-yo some times some days happy some days in tears over nothing
its affected my grades badly ive gone from aspiring to be a A* student to a working at a D/E level all because the emotion I build up makes me either lazy or rude to the teachers I feel like if lost the personality I had not a care in the world always polite and hard working to a piece of garbage really