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The I Feel Happy Topic!

I complained a while back that I was getting Lego town envy. I think I've come up with a way to give me a whopping 120 -140com expansion. That's 4.5 x 5.5 32 stud baseplates, or 22.5 of 'em in total!
Had my end-of-year OU exam today. Think it went well - maybe a little better than expected - but I don't want to get my hopes up too much.

On another note, I got into a fight with the windowsill in my bedroom on Monday morning and lost. Got a sizeable cut on my eyelid, and I don't think I've been so scared/panicked for a very long time, though I think a chunk of that was just shock. Somehow had the presence of mind to get dressed, unset the alarm, and unlock the front door before contacting a friend from church while in a really bad state (my parents were still in Bulgaria at the time, but they got home that afternoon as scheduled). Thing is, I didn't know she was in Scotland at the time, but she did manage to get a couple of other friends from church to come to my aid. Got cleaned up and went down to the pharmacy ahead of a possible trip to A&E. The visit to A&E in Macclesfield ended up not being necessary, for which I'm grateful - ended up not needing the overnight bag I'd shoved a few things in just on the off-chance I'd end up spending longer there! The cut on my eyelid was right on the crease, and I'm quite lucky in that respect. I've had some bruising, including quite a corker near my nose, but it could've easily been a whole lot worse. I'm just really grateful that someone was able to come to my rescue, frankly!

Oh, and one more thing. FEATHERS MCGRAW IS RETURNING.
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I can’t quite believe I’m writing this, but after 2 years and 1 month of learning and 4 attempts, I’ve finally passed my practical driving test up at Monmouth today, with only 2 minors!

I did a parallel park that was fractionally too far from the kerb, and I did wonder if I’d failed there, but the examiner clearly didn’t care too much, as he only gave me a minor for it…

But to be honest, it just feels so good to have finally passed the thing after 4 attempts and over 2 years of learning!
I can’t quite believe I’m writing this, but after 2 years and 1 month of learning and 4 attempts, I’ve finally passed my practical driving test up at Monmouth today, with only 2 minors!

I did a parallel park that was fractionally too far from the kerb, and I did wonder if I’d failed there, but the examiner clearly didn’t care too much, as he only gave me a minor for it…

But to be honest, it just feels so good to have finally passed the thing after 4 attempts and over 2 years of learning!
That's great Matt, congrats!
I can’t quite believe I’m writing this, but after 2 years and 1 month of learning and 4 attempts, I’ve finally passed my practical driving test up at Monmouth today, with only 2 minors!

I did a parallel park that was fractionally too far from the kerb, and I did wonder if I’d failed there, but the examiner clearly didn’t care too much, as he only gave me a minor for it…

But to be honest, it just feels so good to have finally passed the thing after 4 attempts and over 2 years of learning!
Congratulations, Matt! :D I know you’ve found the process challenging, but I’m really proud of you for persevering, and it’s paid off. :)
I can’t quite believe I’m writing this, but after 2 years and 1 month of learning and 4 attempts, I’ve finally passed my practical driving test up at Monmouth today, with only 2 minors!

I did a parallel park that was fractionally too far from the kerb, and I did wonder if I’d failed there, but the examiner clearly didn’t care too much, as he only gave me a minor for it…

But to be honest, it just feels so good to have finally passed the thing after 4 attempts and over 2 years of learning!
Congratulations! You have definitely deserved it!