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The I Feel Happy Topic!

Finally it's starting to look like I'm going to EP next year (hopefully twice)
I have probably the most epic album of 2012 on :D

Totentanz by Thunderkraft. A must listen :D

This makes me happy :D
I feel mildly chuffed after finally finally.finally getting my guitar wall up and running! :)

Just have one more guitar to pop up which actually will replace the furthest guitar (nemesis guitar ;) ) I will probably then by a new wall mount that will hold that guitar on its side.

But that's no rush now.


Makes me more motivated to get of my arse and try my hand at recording stuff.

Sent from my phone using Tapatalk, please excuse any ridiculous mistakes!
Had a good day at Westfield Stratford today with the wife.

Got some shopping done, bought a couple of DVDs I wanted. HHG2TG the original BBC series & Bill and Teds Excellent adventure :D

Got some trousers for cycling to work in, The rather tight legging type things that all these sporty people where. A picture wont be appearing anywhere so don't worry kids :p

Got a case for my new S3, its not all full all over case just something to protect the back and sides, just got to get a screen protector as I did not want to pay £7.99 for 3 of them.

Went and had tea at Jamies which was paid for with money we got from friends for xmas for a meal. It was very nice, first time I had been in. Good food and not too badly priced really.

Nice easy drive home.

All in all a good day.

Oh and I love my S3 :D

I wrote this article the other day, and on the whole it's had some good feedback. My housemate, whose quite an intellectual, gave me lots of praise for it. Also, the disablility activist who challenged Ricky Gervais last year about the use of the word 'Mong' has shared it with her followers and said that she loves it.

The only bad feedback I've had is from people within the trans community, who believe yelling 'bigot' at someone is somehow more useful than explaining why something may be offensive.
After kicking myself for the past couple of hours for leaving a project folder till the last minute (yet again ???) I happened to check my emails to find there was an error in the handbook for the deadline. I have an extra day :)

Man that's lucky...

EDIT: Just read your article AshleeKel, brilliant, well said. :)
After Christmas holidays of getting a project finished and doing theory work I have finally today/tonight finished all my work and can finally relax for a bit! :D