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The I Feel Happy Topic!

I has picture! ;D

I want one, but I can't have one. Yay for moving around lots! :p
Ummm had a nice evening out tonight with Carla. It was good, some nice drinks and some nice food which was a surprise.
On the way back from Coventry, seen the amazing Florence + The Machine, she was a babe, that is all.
One ethics essay: DONE!

It has been plaguing me for the last few days, which has been bringing my stress levels up since all my other work is due in this Wednesday, but to finally have it completed means I can now rest for a bit. Just to re-read my work and make the necessary edits then I will be doing a small happy dance once I have handed these in! It'll also mean I can start focusing on my plans for Christmas and New Year!

I've managed to hand in another essay before the deadline today. The deadline was tomorrow, but I managed to get it done just over an hour ago, get the bibliography together and printed, and got to campus to hand it in before the office closed at 5. Now to relax before tidying my room and heading home for Christmas tomorrow... ;D
Finished a massive assignment today, got a presentation tomorrow and then a 1500 word report to write for next Tuesday. And then I'm done! :D
After my 'I feel down' post, I'm putting this in here because it's a silver lining (so to speak..!) over my problems at the moment.

I had my first market stall today to sell my photography work. I've spend a lot of hours (and money :-\) lately getting prepared for this and it was a real joy seeing it all set up. Unfortunately I sold diddly squat, but I suppose I've gained a little publicity if nothing else. I shared the stall with a girl selling home-made owl pillows who was really friendly and helped the day to pass much quicker during the low foot-fall. It was very cold but a worthwhile experience and, with any luck, it will lead to sales in the future.

Its a shame that you did not sell anything. Hopefully you will get some people coming back to you.

I have seen things like this for sale which I have wanted to buy, but often don't have enough cash on me and need to have a think about where I could put it in the flat.

But hope you do get some future sales from your efforts today.
You should have said! I had nothing to do so would have popped down to say hi! (wouldn't have purchased, I am broke!) My dad has a stall (not in a market, at car shows) And I have helped out before so know how mind-numbingly boring it can be with low turnout.

There really is that many mistakes in my posts?! Damn this Tapatalk milarky :)
It's always hard to sell photography work to the public. The main problem, as highlighted by Jem, is that people tend not to carry the money around with them (or do not know where they would put it). But still, it gets you more known in the public realms. Have you thought of perhaps selling your stuff online? I know it's a bit of a pain to set an online shop up, but it could be worth a shot trying some photo selling websites first (or even auction websites) then going from there. :)

After much deliberation and hair pulling I've finally settled on a name for my latest photography project, and come up with a basic cover design. I bring to you, Linear Substrata.



It's currently a work in progress and I'm keeping the project a bit quiet for now until I get the written stuff completely sorted. But yeah, I'm happy I've made quite a bit of progress with it today. ;D
Thanks for the encouragement guys! You're right, people don't tend to carry that kind of cash around and I have to admit, if I was wanting to but something for my living room I'd like time to think about it.

And James, your new project has intrigued me, although you're not giving much away! I'm probably waaaaaay off the mark but, is it linked at all to mining? My current uni project started off as a sort of mining documentary. I've since veered away from that but it was interesting.

In other news I had a trade fair last Wednesday as part of the course within college. The principal came round each of us to briefly ask what we were doing, my stall was last and he seemed like he was itching to get away so I didn't chat long. I've since heard from my tutor he's interested in purchasing some images and wants my portfolio after Christmas so... fingers crossed!
I might have a job lined up in Canary Wharf. A real one this time!

See, about a month ago I went for a job there through an agency, who told me in no uncertain terms that I had the job (knowing full well I had another job lined up at the time). I got suspicious when I didn't receive the confirmation email, and after investigation it turned out that I wasn't even put forward for the role in the first place!

Upon finding this out, the manager of the agency (who is quickly becoming my most favourite person in recruitment) took it upon himself to raise a complaint with me (that I didn't even ask them to do) and investigated what actually happened. He took my side, and as a way of apology he told me he'd make it his mission to get me a job. And something good has come up! He's gonna put me right to the top of the queue, too, so I'm in the best possible position I could be to get the job.

Obviously anything could happen, I might not even get the position so I'm not getting my hopes up (at least not too much). But at least it's something.
Mi-Nigle said:
And James, your new project has intrigued me, although you're not giving much away! I'm probably waaaaaay off the mark but, is it linked at all to mining? My current uni project started off as a sort of mining documentary. I've since veered away from that but it was interesting.

Nope, nothing to do with mining sadly. I'd love to do a project on mining at some point, either as an academic project or personal one. Although so far I have not been able to fit mining in with any of the module briefs I've had in uni. It's something I'd love to explore one day though.

I'll summarise my project up for you. :p Students at Newport University have been commissioned to create pieces of art for hoardings in the small Welsh town Pontypool while the town is going through it's regeneration scheme. So we've all gone off our separate ways to create our own projects, there have been no limitations apart from that it has to explore an aspect or part of Pontypool.

During my research I found out that there are a lot of cellars underneath Pontypool and in one part of the town there is a whole street underneath the ground! I'm yet to get access to it (the person who has the keys is away till January so I'll be haggling them after Christmas). But I've been told it's quite something! Through the research I've done I have discovered that the current 'new town' is built on top of the 'old town' and there are many underground cellars around the place.

So my project in simple terms is an exploration of the substrata (an underlying area) of Pontypool and how over linear (a straight line) time the town has grown over this substrata and this underlying area of the town has been forgotten in time. The overall aim of the project will be to expose this to the people of Pontypool and to show them the history that they walk over every day.

That's the kind of informal info on my project. My arty formal words are currently being shaped up as I'm still finishing off research to complete phase one of the project.

Since I'm feeling very nice. Here's some pictures (final pieces) of the project.




Just so you know, I'm a photographic artist. So my work takes the form of creating a work of art. The pieces are pretty simple. On the top you have parts of the town in colour, illustrating the present - and on the bottom you have the substrata of the town in black and white, illustrating the past.
^ They look fantastic James! :)

I'm feeling happy because I'm going to be seeing my cousin's baby tomorrow after work. Can't believe he's 3 months old, how time flies! :D