Not sure were else to put this, as we don't have a "funny things wildlife does" thread, but it kept me entertained for a good ten minutes, so may as well put it here...
My insomnia prevented me from getting back to sleep after
@Kelpie left for work at the crack of stupid this morning. About fifty minutes ago I was in bed not sleeping, when an almighty avian sh¡tstorm kicked off outside. It sounded like an over enthusiastic sound effects dub on a horror film. Looked out the window to see a swarm of about thirty huge crows wheeling round in circles, divebombing a terrified looking magpie in mid air, right in front of the window. I'm not sure exactly what this magpie did, but the crows seemed
very angry with it.
Then a pair of pigeons who were just passing by got caught in the middle of it all. They joined in the chase, though they were clearly not trying to get at the magpie, almost as if they were hoping the crows would leave them alone as long as they were't trying to escape!
After a good five minutes of this, the magpie was nowhere to be seen. Not sure if he escaped or was taken down. The crows have now taken up sentry positions in all the trees surrounding my garden. Were it winter time and said trees were bare, this would look so deliciously creepy.
They are still out there, squawking away loudly. Only other birds to be seen at the moment are a pair of sparrows quaking under a bush in next door's garden.
I love crows, they are so wonderfully twisted. Can I have one please?