Thats awesome Panda, congradulations! You definitely deserve chill out time after all that.Submitted my Masters thesis yesterday!
Since starting it a year ago, I finally left a toxic relationship, have been homeless twice, endured my chronic illness and of course, the panini.
I have a week to chill out where I'm going to 2 gigs, a rave, seeing old friends and my first trip to Towers this season before starting my new job as a Robotics engineer.
I've changed shift pattern, coming away from a 24/7 rota that had me lurching from getting up at 04:00 to start at 06:00 one day to starting at 22:00 and getting to bed after 07:00 the next, to one where the earliest I start is 08:00 and latest I finish is 00:30.
I've suddenly started feeling like a functioning human again. Bliss.
Yes they seem to do it really quick. I've got to do mine soon but just keep forgetting.Passport was sent on Monday and arrived at the renewal office on Tuesday. Was registered as having arrived at 12:07 today, and approved at 12:33 - not bad! Now I just need to wait for my new one to arrive, and I’ll be able to go abroad again.
I’m just surprised it took them less than half an hour to approve it. Lead time for renewals at the moment is five weeks, but it wouldn’t surprise me if I get it sooner than that.Yes they seem to do it really quick. I've got to do mine soon but just keep forgetting.
So, erm, this happened yesterday...
The sense of relief I felt was huge, and it could represent something bigger in the long term for my church. We'll have to wait and see. To take a quote from Love, Victor (available on Disney+), "Sometimes, in order to be happy, you need to be vulnerable". Yeah, it's true.That's fantastic Jonathan. Based on your messages in the feeling meh topic, I hope this is a weight off your shoulders in many ways and hopefully a great support forward in your journey going forward![]()
I'm gonna allude to the Love, Victor quote again here.Well done Jonathan, that's a really courageous thing you did, and I'm so glad you got a positive response. I know how scary it is to make yourself vulnerable like that and it must be such a relief to know you have someone else in your corner.
To answer both of your questions...*Straight white male atheist alert*
@Jonathan I do really feel for you on this subject, but obviously can't relate directly. That said, when I look at other situations in my life that I stewed on for a long time, I struggle to identify one that was anywhere near as bad I thought it would be when it came to a head.
Do you think that there is a danger of it becoming worse in your mind than the reality that you spend so long thinking about? Perhaps more so because there are a number of factors that you have to consider.
Have you ever been close to just blurting it out to free up your headspace and crack on with life in a more straightforward (no pun intended) manner.