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The London 2012 Olympics - The Politics Discussion

What are your views on the London 2012 Olympics?

  • It's a great honour to have it here, I will follow it with pride.

    Votes: 25 42.4%
  • I don't care.

    Votes: 5 8.5%
  • I don't see why we have it and are considered fit to be hosting it.

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • It's nice that we have it, but I won't be watching too much.

    Votes: 25 42.4%

  • Total voters
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

Whilst McDonald's is not healthy at all, they can still use their food to promote healthy eating and well-being. Happy Meal's have recently given away pedometers and other keep fit 'toys' and their menus at the Olympics can push salads and healthier options over the burgers and fattier foods.

They might not do this, but it's always an option. What's more 'strange' I suppose is why Cadbury are a sponsor as 'The Official Treat Provider of the Olympics'. We all need a treat but does the world's biggest sporting event need chocolate?
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

The insane amount of sponsorship was making me ill a long time ago. It's all far too corporate. Because of Mcdonalds, vendors in the area are not allowed to sell fries. This is pathetic. It's not what the Olympics are supposed to be about and it's unacceptable.

EDIT: I see they've backed down. Still, the corporate nature is still offensive and disgusting.
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

This is the most superb article I've read in a long, long time.

Huffington Post said:
Dear Londoners™ the UK,

Your Olympics™ start in just a few days and we hope that you're excited! They are your Olympics™ that have cost you £2.5bn£9bn £11.7bn possibly £24bn of your money, that's 38p per household, that you really need in these times of austerity but were forced have chosen to spend on what is sure to be the best Olympics™ ever ever. So you have to enjoy them, you don't have a choice. We've put lots of measures in place all for your Olympics, including allocating tickets via a lottery system. We thought this would be better than giving free tickets to people in the local area as who knows what ruffians that may allow inside the Park™, so instead many of you used your VISA™ credit cards which all of the people we'd like to invite clearly have at their disposal to deposit unaffordable amounts of money only to get tickets to watch a horse dance™ or speed walking™ while our corporate executives get to watch Usain Bolt™, because it's your Olympics™.

Because it's your Olympics™ we've made sure it's all completely safe from any terror at all, which is why we hired a company to do the security who only days ago realised they didn't have the appropriate staff to do the job. So we've got the army in, which may leave lots of other troops stranded out in Afghanistan for longer than they planned to be. Not only that, but these army personnel are specifically trained for such family friendly sporting events with months of firearm training and warfare strategy, so will provide an appropriately intimidating presence making sure no terrorist or anyone without a ticket gets anywhere near. We now have more army personnel at the Olympics than have been deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan, which means that in 2022 tons of troops will probably still be around Stratford for no reason at all. Because it's your Olympics™ we've had the MoD position huge surface to air missiles on top of blocks of flats nearby without consultation or permission needed, to ensure that if we have to shoot down any threats the local residents will be showered in debris and shrapnel. This will ensure they are safe.

Because it's your Olympics™, please refrain from meeting with friends anywhere near the Park™ or you'll be seen as a threat and be removed. For your safety. In fact please avoid being anywhere near the Park™ while the Olympics are on. Please avoid Central London™. Please avoid Greater London while the opening ceremony is on. Please avoid the UK for the duration of the Olympics™. Please avoid the Tube when people seeing the Olympics™ need to get to it even if its exactly when you need to get to the job you've been doing for years and are currently struggling keep with all the cuts. We've kindly asked Boris Johnson™ to make a tannoy message to warn Tube travellers about overcrowding, hoping that his pompous voice alone will ward many away. Please avoid the roads, especially the Olympic™ lanes that will remain empty while you sit in traffic getting later and later for where you need to be while people who are trained to run fast glide by in cars. Because it's your Olympics™, you'll be charged £130 for going in those lanes. We've also made sure it's far harder to park anywhere nearby by closing all shopping centre car parks in the vicinity and removing parking spaces all over Stratford to make sure lots of you gain massive, expensive parking fines for even daring to live or work in the area. It's your Olympics™. We'd like to encourage people from all over the London™, sorry the UK, to travel to the Olympics™ though don't drive there, or get a train, or a Tube or walk anywhere nearby. All because it's your Olympics.™

Because it's your Olympics™ please don't use the word Olympics™ unless you are authorized to do so, or we'll take you to court for breach of copyright. Other words we've also copyrighted are sports™, park™, track™, field™, ball™, swimming™ (see also swam™, swim™, swan™), diving™ (see also dive™, dove™), javelin™, torch™, running™ (also see run™, ran™, rain™, Ray™), rings™, men™, women™, stadium™, tickets™, army™ and Ancient Greece™. Because it's your Olympics™ we suggest you refer to it as 'That Thing', 'Coe & Hunt's Beautiful Lovechild' or ' Swimmy Runny Jumpy Throwy Lifty Times Event'. Because it's your Olympics™ no shop in the near vicinity or in fact anywhere over the UK, or Europe, or the World can use any of those words for fear of the law, unless we have allowed it like we have with our main sponsors that we feel embody the heart and soul of such an athletic healthy event, like Coca-Cola™ and McDonalds™. Those are foods all athletes eat and drink and so we believe that you should enjoy eating them too to make sure you remain fat, stupid and gullible. It's your Olympics™.

Because it's your Olympics™ it will bring in £13bn to the UK. When we say UK we mean our corporate sponsors who will ensure they don't pump any of it back into the desperate economy by dodging as much tax as possible. Because it's your Olympics™ we want to make sure that when all these companies leave and the events are over that you are left with tons of derelict buildings that almost definitely won't end up being used to help the surrounding community. You know the surrounding community we've made sure you can't see from the Park using clever sculptures, just in case their poverty makes you ill while you eat your McDonald's™ authorised fries™. Because it's your Olympics™ we'd like you to clean it afterwards. It's as though it's your flat and people are coming round. People you haven't invited. People who are going to use all their money making a lot of mess. You have to scrub and clean it after. You do. It's your Olympics™.

It's your Olympics™ that you can watch on 24™ HD™ BBC™ channels. If you have Sky™. Because you all have Sky™. You can all afford it.

You will enjoy it. It will be amazing, your Olympics™ Londoners Britain, so don't ruin it for everyone by pretending you won't.

Yours sincerely

Your Olympics™

http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/tiernan ... 74212.html
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

You beat me to it!

Genius article. Also, please enjoy these images

Obviously that one is highly illegal. Nike aren't the sponsors!


Also, they've started banning 'alleged graffiti artists' and others from the area. Not actual criminals, this is them basically saying "we don't like the look of you, you're not getting in". Disgraceful. Every day it seems it just gets worse and worse.
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

Interesting stuff.

Have to say though, everyone is of course completely entitled to their opinion, but I'm getting a bit peeved with feeling somewhat ostracised for daring to enjoy the Olympics, or look forward to them in any way.

People shouldn't be forced to think of the Olympics as a great thing, and should be entirely free to damn them and look at the negative, but equally it gets grating when threads such as this (on many, many forums, certainly not TST exclusively) are near-chocked with constant negativity. Usually, it should be said, from a small handful of members.
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

In reference to the tax dodging, five of the sponsors (McDonald's, Coca Cola, EDF Energy, General Electric and Visa) have announced that they will not be using the tax relief available for sponsors, which is good, but there are still other sponsors who have not yet done so.
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

I'm not 'against' the Olympics. I love sport. It'll be great to watch the events I like. It's the fact it's a massive farce and a badly managed disgrace that's bad for everyone that I'm 'against'.
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

To be fair, I think it's a justified reaction from people criticising the Olympics since it gets shoved down our throats wherever you look. I have no choice but to hear about it on the news but even worse it is presented in a very unjournalistic and celebratory way. There's very little measured or balanced talk about the Olympics in the mainstream media, so yes I do go to lengths to express my concerns and problems, but the vigor with which those views are expressed is purely a reaction to the equally vigorous 'lighten up' crowd, who hold all the media power.
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

Have to say I'm not 100% convinced that the media has been reporting the G4S fiasco in the 'unjournalistic and celebratory way' that you describe. Nor the issue surrounding missiles on the roofs of residential flats...
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

Seriously? ::)

You can find criticisms of the finer details (most of which by the way are less to do with the games and more to do with the government's handling of the event) but no-one questions whether we should be hosting the games at all, or whether the event is too corporate.
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

Team GB were shockingly poor today against Brazil. Then again it was Brazil. Women's played better and with more spirited chemistry. The mens seems a rushed job of being put together and connecting. As expected, we have little hope for the ball sports. I'm predicting we'll get 5th in the medal table due to pressure after a over-promising start.

Only one week to go and sadly I still ain't feeling it.
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

Meat Pie said:
but no-one questions whether we should be hosting the games at all, or whether the event is too corporate.

I feel it is a bit too late to be questioning that. The Olympics has been set to happen since 2005. The foundation work has been in the planning for even longer than that. Even if it suddenly turned out the whole Olympic committee have committed every sin imaginable I doubt the games would be stopped. In fact even if the above was discovered several years ago the games would probably still be happening, too much money has been spent on them.

As for the corporate nature of the games I imagine that it has to be that way to secure the funding. As much as it would be nice to believe the sponsorship is unnecessary (along with the stupid terms and conditions such as that chip incident) if even one of these big names pulled out the event would probably be unable to fund itself.

This is why I agree with Islander about the negativity. A few years ago it seemed completely reasonable but now the games are actually here it seems a bit pointless.

One last thing I wanted to say concerning the Olympics being far too prominent in the media. As I've spent the last year living in university accommodation without a TV this is actually the first time I’ve seen much to do with the Olympics. With the exception of the overrepresentation of Union Flags on supermarket products I've missed almost all the hype. This is actually the first time I've had the chance to get hyped about the games and for that reason I’m looking forward to them. Therefore if you’re sick of hearing about it my suggestion is not to pay it much attention. I know it’s probably a little too late for that now but you’ll be amazed just how easy I found it not to take interest.
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

As greedy/financially based as it seems, I'm still getting Olympic VIBES.

Yes, there have been screw-ups, but everything on this scale is liable to mistakes. Personally, I'm excited and feel it every time that BBC coverage advert sounds the Elbow soundtrack. One week to go, until London becomes the stage for a global audience. I'm a patriot, admittedly, but even still, everybody except the most hardened, cynical members of Britain must feel something towards the games. And more importantly, the hope, inspiration and pride they bring to the nation. :)

Maybe my young teenage mind is just being naive. ;)
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

Tim said:
Meat Pie said:
but no-one questions whether we should be hosting the games at all, or whether the event is too corporate.

I feel it is a bit too late to be questioning that. The Olympics has been set to happen since 2005. The foundation work has been in the planning for even longer than that. Even if it suddenly turned out the whole Olympic committee have committed every sin imaginable I doubt the games would be stopped. In fact even if the above was discovered several years ago the games would probably still be happening, too much money has been spent on them.

Maybe it's true that it's too late to have any impact on whether it should go ahead or not but I don't think that means those who oppose it should be told to shut up by the easily excited by anything that the media tells them to be excited about brigade.

The news should be balanced, and instead of reporting on the Olympics they are 'celebrating' and that is unprofessional, no matter what the event is.

As for the corporate nature of the games I imagine that it has to be that way to secure the funding. As much as it would be nice to believe the sponsorship is unnecessary (along with the stupid terms and conditions such as that chip incident) if even one of these big names pulled out the event would probably be unable to fund itself.

If making themselves ridiculously corporate is necessary then they should go the whole hog and not take any funding or use any services from the Government. Further more they should stop proclaiming to be 'our' Olympics when they are quite clearly there to serve their own financial ends.

This is why I agree with Islander about the negativity. A few years ago it seemed completely reasonable but now the games are actually here it seems a bit pointless.

So because it's past changing, dissenters should shut up?

I'm sorry if it comes across 'negative' but I refuse to be told that I shouldn't express my opinion because some people don't like it. I will proudly stand by what I've said and continue to point out the serious issues surrounding this glorified sports day.

One last thing I wanted to say concerning the Olympics being far too prominent in the media. As I've spent the last year living in university accommodation without a TV this is actually the first time I’ve seen much to do with the Olympics. With the exception of the overrepresentation of Union Flags on supermarket products I've missed almost all the hype. This is actually the first time I've had the chance to get hyped about the games and for that reason I’m looking forward to them. Therefore if you’re sick of hearing about it my suggestion is not to pay it much attention. I know it’s probably a little too late for that now but you’ll be amazed just how easy I found it not to take interest.

I don't know what planet you've been living on, but here, the Olympics has been inescapable. The only way to have avoided it would to have lived in a bubble where you don't watch/read any news or media. It is impossible to not pay it any attention as it is thrust in your face at every given opportunity. I find it very disingenuous to suggest you can avoid it, as the only way to achieve that would require making very inconvenient lifestyle changes.
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion


I think somebody's looking forwards to the Olympics.
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

Meat Pie said:
The news should be balanced, and instead of reporting on the Olympics they are 'celebrating' and that is unprofessional, no matter what the event is.

The news should be balanced but it has always reported on what they think people want to hear. At the minute it just happens that people seem to want to celebrate the Olympics. If they reported on the games in a non-biased way, for example by constantly reminding us of the un-ethical goings on behind the scenes, they'd probably lose viewers because of it. I’m not saying I agree with the way news channels take a bias but for something to remain popular sometimes it needs to conform to what the majority expect of it. That seems to be the sacrifice of becoming mainstream.

Also I should note that I do not wish you to shut up. In fact I enjoy reading your thoughts on why and how the Olympics should change. I agree with quite a few of your opinions. I just feel that rallying against the London Olympics is fairly pointless because in a few weeks time (ok months including the Paralympics) it'll all be over and done with. Just my view, no one has to abide by it.

Meat Pie said:
One last thing I wanted to say concerning the Olympics being far too prominent in the media. As I've spent the last year living in university accommodation without a TV this is actually the first time I’ve seen much to do with the Olympics. With the exception of the overrepresentation of Union Flags on supermarket products I've missed almost all the hype. This is actually the first time I've had the chance to get hyped about the games and for that reason I’m looking forward to them. Therefore if you’re sick of hearing about it my suggestion is not to pay it much attention. I know it’s probably a little too late for that now but you’ll be amazed just how easy I found it not to take interest.

I don't know what planet you've been living on, but here, the Olympics has been inescapable. The only way to have avoided it would to have lived in a bubble where you don't watch/read any news or media. It is impossible to not pay it any attention as it is thrust in your face at every given opportunity. I find it very disingenuous to suggest you can avoid it, as the only way to achieve that would require making very inconvenient lifestyle changes.

Last time I checked Earth, United Kingdom, Not London. Simple answer is I didn't watch much TV and only read non-sports related news. I'm not saying I completely avoided it but I found it easy to not pay it any attention.
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

But Tim; it won't be over in a few months. Debt will plague us for decades to come. I'm completely pro-Olympics, I believe that sense of patriotism is worth every penny if it restores hope into our lacklustre country but I disagree that the problem will simply flush away because it's not on our screens. It's expensive business, and no doubt afterwards there'll be derelict buildings and financial hardship.
Re: The London 2012 Olympics Discussion

True, but then I was talking in terms of the Olympics happening and how it should be organised. Dealing with the after effects is something I wasn't considering when I said it will be over soon and definitely something worth considering. However discussion in this topic has mostly been about how sponsors should be acting differently and the media's response, all problems that will stop mattering (for this Olympics anyway) very soon.