I’m pleased to see they haven’t stuck a permanent cattle pen queue down the middle of the street as I thought they might.
Looks like there are fixtures for temporary queue extensions to be added as necessary.
The wipes were purely for the headsets though.If they wiped Galactica's cars when coronavirus wasn't even a threat, then I don't see why they couldn't wipe cars now.
No way they would pay for the amount of disinfectant those machines get through though.maybe they could turn the galactica portal into a disinfectant machine
What I want to know is how often are they going to sanitise the cars and handles? Every new set of riders, every 30 minutes or every hour? This will just add to wait time and throughput. All the guests better be prepared if they do open AT during outbreak the wait times are going to be long! Perhaps they may have to consider longer opening hours ( we can only dream )
Absolutely cannot wait for Gangsta Granny TLC in 2040Will probs need TLC job the time it’s open
I'm sure shes fine, what better place to be self isolating than in an empty theme park