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Selection of comments with names redacted:
Absolutely spot on there. Some people, or should I say trolls, see something like this happening and wade in purely to damage the person's reputation for the fun of it, giving no thought to the facts (or the lack of them due to the investigation being new). Shaun could disable the YouTube comments for now but that would cause an avalanche on his Facebook/Twitter, plus it wouldn't be fair on those genuine fans who comment purely about each video. He can't win.This is the sort of thing that doesn't sit well with me at all. These people are now becoming internet vigilantes and we all know that works out well.
They know no more than we do, yet they talk as if they have some god-given right to point fingers and pass judgement and further more sentence people.
They can't acknowledge any "victims" because at the moment... there are no "victims".... there are twitter complaints and "alleged victims". There hasn't been a court case, there haven't been papers produced.... there has been absolutely nothing of a criminal nature made public that is lawful.
This isn't about choosing sides or who is right or wrong, this is just what happens in this country with cases. You are innocent until proven guilty. And there are processes that have to be followed. People on twitter and I also think social media in general don't understand that. They'd rather hear about something on Monday, pass judgement on Tuesday morning and by Tuesday evening throw someone in jail.
It doesn't matter if person Z abused 20 girls all on the same day..... it's alleged abuse until we are told otherwise. Until Shawn is told otherwise. He can't comment on things that are being said...... OTHER PEOPLE should not be allowed to comment when he can't. On his channel. Multiple times. Naming naming, peddling stories as if they were proven facts. It's going to damage future court cases if it gets to that. With the best will in the world, they are not facts. Sometimes it's the same people who now in my mind are trolling, because I see the same faces on youtube, instagram, facebook and twitter and they are just going over and over, and of course interacting with new people each time who want to hear more of the juicy details..... which one person is more than happy to provide because they just so happen to be friends with several of the alleged victims..... (yes, I do doubt that claim).
What's he supposed to do, sit there and let the comments roll in (and we know some people, like I mentioned before, don't give a stuff about any alleged victims, they're there to watch him burn), while he can not say anything?
He can't actually defend himself in this, because he can't comment.
Are people too stupid to realise this?
If he breaks away from the usual TPWW posts and defends the racism comments......"Hey, Shawn why don't you say something about your rapist friends, you commented about that racist message you made..... why aren't you saying anything about all the girls who you knew were being abused..... why aren't you saying anything Shawn... why aren't you supporting those girls.... why, why why why?"
I've said it before..... he stops TPWW..... he's hiding, he's guilty. He doesn't stop TPWW.....how dare you carry on as normal.
He's obviously a stronger person than me, because I would be sick with all the worry over this, especially if I knew I had done nothing wrong. People have made a very sad decision for less serious events in their lives than this. If he is innocent in all of this, I just hope he gets a good lawyer because there are people out there who are going to need their own.
I’ve said it before..... he stops TPWW..... he's hiding, he's guilty. He doesn't stop TPWW.....how dare you carry on as normal.
I wasn’t going to make any further comment - and this really will be my last post on this topic - but I think, respectfully, you’re giving an overly simplistic view of the situation.
If, in a corporate environment, let’s say, serious allegations had been made about members of a team and their team leader also faced questions about their knowledge and handling of said allegations, they would probably all be suspended pending whatever inquiry and investigation work was deemed necessary.
Obviously in the case we’re talking about, there is no such structure and no-one to order anyone to do anything in a one-man-band setup. However a choice could be made, just like in the corporate world, to say:
“It’s important that the right thing is not only done but is seen to be done, and we protect the brand we’ve built up through hard graft over many years, so while we understandably can’t comment on the claims at this point, what we can do is step back for the time being in the hope of a swift resolution, at which point we can carry on making a product that people enjoy without a cloud hanging over us.”
Haters gonna hate, so if the channel was temporarily suspended, who cares if people would think anyone is “hiding” or “guilty”? These claims would be disproved or otherwise in the very process that you rightly suggest is in jeopardy because of some of the comments appearing on TPWW’s feeds.
I have no doubt that the decision was made to go to Alton Towers for legitimate reasons: the channel will have lost a lot of revenue through the pandemic and many fans (most of whom are probably completely unaware of the allegations) were eager to see that content. However, the optics aren’t great, to say the least - and I’m not entirely sure the priority at this point should be whether Shawn can or can’t “win”.
Hopefully some of the alleged victims will report incidents to police, but I understand if they don't. Having experienced sexually violence myself, reporting to the police was petrifying and humiliating, although they did support me.
I found it intriguing that the TPWW Twitter account posted that they had reported the allegations to the police? It just seemed odd, as they were against individuals, none of them Shaun, so he wouldn't be reporting false allegations about himself and TPWW isn't an organisation.
If the police wanted to speak to the accused, then they would make contact with them.
What ever the outcome of the investigation is I truly think that all vloggers should not be able to message fans privately.
Would this of happened if that was in place?.That's just silly.
Without putting words in pluk's mouth, silly from the point of view of how in the fresh hell would you ever police it?!?!Would this of happened if that was in place?.
It’s impossible to police unfortunately as many things on paper definitely good idea but to put it in place is a nightmare.Without putting words in pluk's mouth, silly from the point of view of how in the fresh hell would you ever police it?!?!
No proof that I’d seen, people had asked for the CRN and no reply other than his copy paste reply.Is there evidence that Shawn has reported it to the police? A crime reference number or anything?
Would this of happened if that was in place?.