Ride experience followed by actors rushing you to escape... hello Sub-Terra...
"the ride's narrative is based on a fracking incident that has gone wrong and resulted in the leak of a poisonous gas"
it won't be like that, as the riders will be wearing VR headsetsI've got a feeling the train carriage will be very similar to the Hogwarts Express carriages over at Universal Orlando Resort, where the windows are screens and will make it look like the train is moving.
it won't be like that, as the riders will be wearing VR headsets
Does this mean that technically it's AR, not VR?With the HTC Vive there is a camera on the front of the headset. This can be activated so you can see through into the real room. I'd be highly surprised if Thorpe didn't use that. Letting you see through the headset via the camera, with an overlay of visual effects on the screen in front of your eyes, with screens around the actual train carriage windows to also add the effect that you're moving.
Plus when sitting down there needs to be some kind of image around you on the windows before placing the headset on.
Actually, I think it will be more of a ride than a simulator. There are definitely multiple trains (rumours say there are 3 in total). It seems that they'll be suspended (as seen in the promotional images) then lowered down onto a transfer track below to do a circuit or whatever. Seems like the only way to reach a decent throughput.
Someone on Thorpe Park Mania is harping on about giant mirrors being used to surround the train in every direction - not sure what effect this would achieve or if it's even possible but he checks out as legit, he works for one of the creative companies involved. More food for thought.
Does this mean that technically it's AR, not VR?
Don't want to read any spoilers, but if that's honestly the storyline, then it already sounds bad. How can merlin do this? So much potential, and they have to use ip 's and gimmicks.