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Towers Loving Care

We might as well fence off the entirety of the gardens then.

Children who are of an age to be able to climb those rocks without knowing the dangers (like my own children) would be supervised by an adult. If an accident does happen, then it's crap parenting. If a child is old enough to be unsupervised in the park and is stupid enough to climb this (rather small) pile of rocks and they break a bone, tough. It's called growing up and learning not to do stupid things.

At least the ridiculous Katanga fence was built to alleviate an actual risk, this one has no logic to it.

Agree with all of this. I just think they've made the decision that this is an area that is more populated than the Gardens usually is, and so they're trying to avoid any potential issues arising. A lot of children's accidents can occur as a result of crappy parenting, but then, as Matty H said, the blame culture will lead to Towers getting in trouble regardless.

As for the Katanga bridge, I agree that the risk is more obvious, yet I still feel more children are likely to climb a rockery than an actual bridge. It's when the danger's more subtle that they can be reckless. Well, at least with my children it is.

And it's still early days, the gardens may end up being fenced off......
Wow, what an amazing wall. Great to see them putting lots of dedication and effort to make it fit the area.

Towers is now officially the best park for fences and walls. Superb!
It wouldn't look so bad if it was the same style as the fences next to it.
At least they install subdued frencing, in a attempt to blend it in to the background. And it does work as it not standing out like a sore thumb. Just think it could of been light colour wood fencing.
Some extra safety features have been put in place:

From TowersStreet's twitter

"Let's build a wall from stone, now let's put a fence around it!" I'm sorry but this is utterly stupid. It looks stupid, it is stupid, it is beyond a joke. Should ever single pathway across the park be bordered by a 7 foot high fence? Well yes it probably should, go on Alton Towers, this leads to brilliant theme park escapism.

If a child wants to climb up the rocks then it is their fault (and their parents) if they fall and hurt themselves. Do we need to fence the entire world just to stop insurance claims?

We do unfortunately, as responsibilities tend to be thrown out the window when people visit theme parks in the UK...

Plus ever since the Tomb Blaster incident (another fence which was arguably easier to climb than the old wooden stuff), Merlin are scared about anything similar happening again... Even if it's not directly the park's fault...
We do unfortunately, as responsibilities tend to be thrown out the window when people visit theme parks in the UK...

Plus ever since the Tomb Blaster incident (another fence which was arguably easier to climb than the old wooden stuff), Merlin are scared about anything similar happening again... Even if it's not directly the park's fault...
Actually, the tomb blaster incident was the parks fault. It wasn't someone had climbed the fence, a girl was leaning on it and fell through because it had been left to rot. It made a lot of sense to replace the fence after it.

What doesn't make sense though, is the fact that even things like the rocks in FV are now surrounded by fences, and that towers H&S feel the need to protect people from their own stupidity.
Some extra safety features have been put in place:

From TowersStreet's twitter

Whilst the parks OTT approach to H&S is a little bit disconcerting, I can see why they've done this to be honest. The rocks are piled high enough that if one of them were to fall off the top, if it became loose, then it would cause serious injury. I agree it looks terrible and the lesser of two evils would have been to remove the rock face all together. If they've done it to stop people climbing all over the rocks then I also agree if someone falls off it's their own fault.
So, if they are going health and safety crazy at the Towers, and have pressure washers by the dozen, could I request that they remove all the weeds and jetwash the stepping stones over the stream at the top of the gardens, as they are on a proper footpath, and are extremely dangerous.
TLC required, I have done those stepping stones most years for decades, but now you feel like you are taking on an assault course.
although i fully agree that this fence should have stayed at the fence shop. But we live in an age where unfortuantly the phrase "its your own fault!" is only used to child falling in their own house/garden. A parent cant sue themselves. Not yet anyway.