Can you spot which 3 tiles have been cleaned in this picture? Our Hex TLC blog post detailing the full refurbishment project for Hex to follow in a couple of weeks!
Will you be riding Hex when it reopens on March 25th?
No Leek Signs here!
Good to see a proper sign for a change!
Towers Loving Care have even said n Facebook it will open on March 25th.Something I had overlooked until now, but I realised 25th March will not be the first date Hex is open this year. It will open earlier starting on 12th March for services day. Sorry if that's really obvious but I never thought of it!
Towers Loving Care have even said n Facebook it will open on March 25th.
We are talking about a park which closed the ride for a year, why would they open it for a day. I guess the new Cbeebies Land additions and Cuckoo Cars will be closed too.
I wonder how much it costs to rent it out for the day