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Towers Loving Care

I can't imagine they'd do the entire track and leave the station rotting.

Blivvy got a station touch up when painted too remember.

I'm really liking that white! Would it be so bad if they left it for the first year like this and re did the weathered effect next close season?
Would it be so bad if they left it for the first year like this and re did the weathered effect next close season?
Yes. We all know that if this happened, someone in management would decide that "if we can get away with it for one season, we can get away with it for ever." And prevent the job from ever being finished.
It looks like the supports are having minimal paint work done to them. You can see the additional 'rust' on them as its a lot shinier compared to the rest.
It looks like the supports are having minimal paint work done to them. You can see the additional 'rust' on them as its a lot shinier compared to the rest.
I reckon that's just an undercoat , maybe they have tested for stress in those areas or something and so they have painted over the bare metal.

And the track does look lovely from that view!!


Fair play to them. Gotta give them a bit of credit for effort on sprucing up Nemesis, I'm quick to moan so I have to be fair :)

It will be nice to see what they've done in person when the park opens.
I will reserve judgement until all is finished. Wouldn't surprise me if they repaint it bright pink or something. [1]

[1] Citation: Splash Landings repaint.
Work is being carried out on Towers Street also, but only know this via a friend so can't confirm what work exactly.

Starting to look like more than just a little routine stuff - at long last. Taking a better now than never attitude.
So they are doing some work to the station, that was me wrong earlier! Credit where credit is due, that is a nice surprise.

Oh look, a flying pig!

Seriously great to see the station is being repainted. Now only if they replaced the rotting theming.
Im going to have to email them to stop now, dont touch the track, save the paint and leave it white :)

White is the way forward :)
Not to put a dampener on it, but if they DO properly spruce her up and in tip top shape (goodness knows she damn well deserves it after her years of exemplary service!) then... well... the trains are gonna look a bit knackered and tatty?

Or are they gonna go the whole shebang & have those looking spanking as well?

Now, that WOULD impress me.
She is going to look so good with the track and station refurb. I like to think that you do listen to us Merlin. The level of neglect really saddened me last year but there is hope!