They died so we could choose. Part of being free to vote is being free to not vote. Otherwise it's not free.ChocolateStarfish said:pluk said:One thing for sure though, I will be voting. I think not doing so is disgusting, even if you do turn up and spoil your paper effectively registering a 'none of the above'.
That statement is the most common sence I've seen in this thread, thousands of people have died to give us the opportunity to vote and to just not bother disrespects every single one of them.
I'll be turning up to vote just to write "waste of money" on the ballot paper.
My personal view is voting should be compulsory.
Scott said:I think that going in to vote and purposefully spoil your ballot is honestly stupider than not going at all. A spoilt ballot isn't some grand political gesture, it just gets ignored during the count...
If you're going to turn up and do that, why turn up at all? I don't see myself as a worse person because I'm not going to vote.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk.
Fair enough put like that.Sam said:Abstaining from voting is not the same as spoiling your ballot.
Spoilt ballots get counted, and the numbers released. These are effectively 'none of the above' votes, i.e. a protest vote. Abstaining could either be a protest, or apathy. If you spoil your ballot, it's at least clear that you're making a protest vote.
Blaze said:So that's pretty much the end of the BNP.
The BNP said:There has been a lot written over the years concerning the gradual demise of the ethnic white British races. We all know that Muslims and Africans tend to have bigger families.
This will mean over the decades we may well end up like America, 51% non-white. So we must look at ways of building up the white population in Britain.
There are a few ways that this can be done. Firstly immigration of white Europeans, although this causes problems in jobs and housing, in the end if they stay their children will slowly become pro-British, or their children’s children will at least.
Doesn’t mean the old homeland is forgotten.
The second way is more fun. I would suggest that BNP members and nationalists across the schools of nationalism engage in making babies.
I know, by now you will be giggling over this suggestion. But think about it, nationalists need to buck the trend of 1.8 children per white household. We need to aim between 3 and 4 children each if not more.
And the bonus is that making babies is fun!
So fellow nationalists, less TV and more fun! Let’s do our bit for Britain and our race.
For those of us who have produced above the average 1.8 figure and can produce no-more, well done!
As the song goes, Make love not war