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Wicker Man - General Discussion - Part Two

They've said that it wasn't the track and that it was a foreign object (or whatever). So what was it? Presumably they know, so why not just say? Why does every little thing have to be such a secret? For example, if it was a vape or whatever, just say and everyone would understand and just move on. Very silly.

It's a privately owned park. They don't need to say anything. That doesn't mean they are keeping it a secret, they just don't need to give that information or do not have the full picture themselves yet.

I wish the world was as understanding as you suggest. Genuinely I do.

YouTube videos, massive signs and loud audio voice overs on repeat do almost nothing to stop people taking loose articles onto rides. People barely even take notice when the operator shouts over the PA for the third time as a last resort.

Sad state we live in, people are either too stupid to pay attention to safety rules or are so over inflated with entitlement, they don't believe the rules apply to them. Almost alway one of the two.
Just get ready for the stupid h&s overreaction…

Presumably it'll be "don't take any objects on the rides that might set it on fire".

Would perhaps be unique in the UK to implement "empty all your pockets" policies but it's not a completely foreign concept in the industry.
It's a privately owned park. They don't need to say anything. That doesn't mean they are keeping it a secret, they just don't need to give that information or do not have the full picture themselves yet.
I get that, and I'm not going to labour my earlier point as it was just a bit of an off the cuff remark. However, you could say the same about anything else at the park, that they don't need to tell anyone anything. But I thought they were being more honest and open about things. The truth is, they do come out and talk about operational things that the public don't really need to know about, and do interviews with vloggers revealing other whatevers. Then there's an incident like this and they get all overly protective about it. It was just my opinion that sometimes it's best to just front up and give the info (if they indeed did actually know the cause). Others disagree, cool 👍
Oh the joys of social media in situations like this. I've just seen a post on reddit:
I was speaking to the guy on the shop stall close to the claw machines by Wickerman yesterday and he was telling me about this when I asked him how his day had been.

He said he works on Wickerman but the breaks went on fire around 12pm (apparently a common fault with the ride, especially in hot weather. He advised it will probably be closed for the week now at least).
Never knew there were brakes on that turn where the smoke was! 🤣:rolleyes:
And Wicker Man's brakes go on fire a lot? Well you learn something new every day... 🤣🤣
Dodgy batteries from cheaply (and shoddily) made powerbanks, vapes and stuff are one of the most common causes of fires. It’s the reason they have to announce on planes now about keeping an eye on lithium battery products; that and the Note 7 fiasco.

A dropped vape that’s, say, got wet by some standing water which has created a short in the battery management circuitry could quite feasibly catch fire like this.
A lithium battery fire would create sparks.

Can’t imagine it was anything like that. They wouldn’t be standing around it with a fire extinguisher anyway.
Ah well, at least we can congratulate the ride designers, construction crews and engineers that the one time the wicker man did have a fire, it had nothing to do with the fire effects.

Adds to the theming though
A lithium battery fire would create sparks.

Can’t imagine it was anything like that. They wouldn’t be standing around it with a fire extinguisher anyway.
Not necessarily. If you remember the Note 7 battery fires, they just started really heavily smoking - no visible sparks or anything. Plus if it was in its housing you wouldn’t see the sparks from the battery anyway.

You can use CO2 or powder fire extinguishers on electrical fires without any issues.
Not necessarily. If you remember the Note 7 battery fires, they just started really heavily smoking - no visible sparks or anything. Plus if it was in its housing you wouldn’t see the sparks from the battery anyway.

You can use CO2 or powder fire extinguishers on electrical fires without any issues.
Let's not forget the Sony laptop lithium battery fires of the mid 2000s either, which is why they have to go through airport scanners separately. Lots of MacBooks exploded.
You can use CO2 or powder fire extinguishers on electrical fires without any issues.
Not really, on electrical fires yes but battery fires aren't the same they make their own scource of oxygen normally they need just water dumped on top of tem

There is quite a few things it could have been I have no idea why everyone is sudgesting it is a vape, it could be many things, a park map that got caught by the wind and carried through the flames landing on the track for example.
Not really, on electrical fires yes but battery fires aren't the same they make their own scource of oxygen normally they need just water dumped on top of tem

There is quite a few things it could have been I have no idea why everyone is sudgesting it is a vape, it could be many things, a park map that got caught by the wind and carried through the flames landing on the track for example.
I’m having an image painted in my head of the train running over the vape, and the small fire starting from that.
I have no idea of this could actually happen
They've said that it wasn't the track and that it was a foreign object (or whatever). So what was it? Presumably they know, so why not just say? Why does every little thing have to be such a secret? For example, if it was a vape or whatever, just say and everyone would understand and just move on. Very silly.
the media will blow it way out of proportion as they do with any theme park related incident.