London Paramount is a large development on and around land with environmental significance. As with many developments of varying scales it required an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). These predict the environmental effects of a development, positive or negative.
London Paramount have produced an "Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report" in preparation for the final EIA. The Secretary of State has subsequently produced a "Scoping Opinion Report" which is a response to this to help guide and final EIA. The Opinion Report also contains the responses of various bodies/councils/organisations to whom an EIA is relevant.
Anyway, I have been through both of these documents to pull out some points that are likely to be of interest to us theme park enthusiasts.
Let's start with this quote from London Resort Company Holdings: "Within the leisure and tourism industry the UK lacks a major world-class leisure and visitor attraction of this type". Pretty damning of anything Merlin have tried to do with Towers. Clearly London Paramount is on a vastly different scale.
Until now we have had no real word on funding or investment. This report
confirms that they have the support of international investors. So no need to worry there!
A number of factors influenced the decision of the Swanscombe Peninsula site for London Paramount. Many other locations were considered also. The criteria used included:
- Sites of sufficient size and topography to accommodate the scale of facilities required
in the desired layout (minimum site size of approximately 80 hectares with additional
areas for expansion);
- Locations free from vexatious and abnormal planning constraints and jurisdictions;
- Sites in accessible locations;
- Locations that would support the London Paramount brand (i.e. close proximity to
- Locations where there are an absence of hotel and leisure uses that would compete
with the entertainment resort;
- Sites where access improvements and utility infrastructure investment could be
achieved in reasonable timescales and potentially in combination with other nearby
- Sites in close proximity to public transport links and major airports;
- Locations that have an acceptable micro climate (i.e. conducive to year round use);
- Locations where it would be possible to provide new or upgraded off‐site access and
utility works; and
- Locations where land was available, that could be purchased at commercially
acceptable terms and there was unlikely to be conflicts with existing users.
They are estimating that 30% of visitors will be from overseas - this would equate to around 16,000 per day. However they anticipate that many of these people would already be visiting the UK and staying in the region.
Now some interesting information regarding heights of things in the park. The report the following likely maximum heights for various objects:
- Buildings - 32m
- Structures - 50-60m (the report states: "eg. themed mountain"!!)
- Rides/rollercoasters - 40m
- Hotels: 40-50m
So it looks like the iconic Paramount mountain could be built as a centrepiece to the park, it's at least been considered. 40m for coasters equates to 131ft, identical to the height of Wodan to give you some idea. So don't go expecting any massive coasters!
The good news is that the Civil Aviation Authority have no issue with any of these maximum heights; nothing would be an aviation en-route obstruction for civil aviation purposes.
However the Port of London Authority do potentially have a few issues surrounding sight-lines, microwave interference and the location of their radar and data communications facility. No doubt these issues will be resolved though.
A final couple of things regarding the park itself. The report states that "Entertainment Street" will be at the heart of the core area. Here there will be a wide range of indoor and open-air experience. To me this sounds like it could be a Disney Village style central hub to the resort.
Then some information regarding entertainment. There are plans are a parade every day in the late afternoon: "Paramount and Friends Carnival". This would be followed by an evening show with a cast of over 300 people celebrating aspects of Paramount studios and other brands.
I hope you found that interesting and somewhat insightful. If there is one thing I can say it is that this is 100% happening, you need not have doubts!