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2021: General Discussion

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It never used to be a rule at towers, as I’ve seen people on their own on the rapids multiple times, and it was never a problem. But seems to be a fairly recent change.
It never used to be a rule at towers, as I’ve seen people on their own on the rapids multiple times, and it was never a problem. But seems to be a fairly recent change.

I would guess with the rapids its another change since the Splash Canyon incident
It's odd how there's differences between the various Merlin parks when it comes to this kind of thing. It's similar to the reride policies between Thorpe Park and Alton Towers. You'd think they'd be standardised but this seems to be something made at a local level, perhaps in consultation with their respective legal/health and safety advisors and insurers?
I've been the only person on RMT, this was back when it was open for ERT so a few years ago now. At around the same time (as in, give or take a couple of years) a staff member joined me on Nemesis when there was no one else riding, so it's never been particularly consistent.
Thirteen's last train of the day being the exception of course - as the train has to be (nearly) full. So it's OK to re-ride then but not at any other time, apparently!
Rerides are actively encouraged at Thorpe Park and Chessie when it’s quiet. Meanwhile if you dare ask for a reride at towers it’s as if you have just swore at the ride host.
I'm assuming rules are more strict at towers as its the flagship prestige attraction
Trust me you DO NOT want to be going on rides in the rain and hail. Just had a ride on Smiler earlier and it was chucking it down, couldn't see a thing.
I've been on front row Smiler in 2016 in the pouring rain - besides not being able to see a thing I actually enjoyed it:tearsofjoy:
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