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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: 2024 Discussion

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I had to set up an eTicket for someone I took with me one day last year, who isn't a coaster enthusiast, maybe he last went a decade ago. It was not an easy or straightforward thing to do, and I'd like to think I'd be able to manage that kind of thing (both from working in IT and as an enthusiast). That's before we've even got into the park to have to scan on everything.

Nobody likes the eTicket system - enthusiasts hate it, the average visitor doesn't understand why it is needed, and the ride staff don't like it. Just get rid of it if you aren't bringing back a non-rider pass.
At the end of the day though, the worse the park gets if affects it’s bottom line value. She might be unorthodox but surely she’d rather walk away with some £££s than nothing? That’s if there was a willing buyer/investor which I imagine there would be for a place of such history, heritage and reputation?
Why not just let the non riders in for a tenner, again, like they used to?
Back when the park actually filled out once in a while?
Then they could actually justify ride entry phone faff.
The POP system can reasonably be described as a failed experiment by now surely?
She blames other factors for the failure...be it weather, trains or shifting cultures.
The consultants have been called in.
Done the work.
Made the report...
Advice seems not to have been taken.
Utterly annoys me this. I work in project management and one of the key things we work on is root cause analysis. If something is obviously going wrong we are straight onto people about it. Some people take the info and try to do something about it. Makes everyone's lives easier and you can see clear positive strides forward. However, some people will always turn around and argue the figures are wrong/manipulated and you get the people who turn around and say, "I've worked in this industry for X amount of years, i know what i'm doing". That's fine but when the same issues are cropping up again and again, you get the same argument back. The phrase, 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results - Albert Einstein, couldn't be more applicable here.
Yup, had this discussion every few years for the last decade or so.
The fact that they paid good money for advice that was then ignored...more than once...very, very BPB.
You all still fail to understand the situation though.
She is completely correct.
Her business.
Her way.
Or else.
Now stop arguing.
Why not just let the non riders in for a tenner, again, like they used to?
Back when the park actually filled out once in a while?
Then they could actually justify ride entry phone faff.
The POP system can reasonably be described as a failed experiment by now surely?
I'm 100% behind a non rider pass but in terms of getting people into the park, discounting kids tickets is easy to market and covers a wider group of people. I'd be happy if they did both but we know they won't do either...
Why not just let the non riders in for a tenner, again, like they used to?
Back when the park actually filled out once in a while?
Then they could actually justify ride entry phone faff.
The POP system can reasonably be described as a failed experiment by now surely?

When it went up to £10 , that's when there was a significant fall off in numbers.

£10 is too much to walk around an amusement park.

£5 or £6 is just about ok, if the train is included in the price.

If they do bring the walk round pass back (and there is little sign of that - other than they are still using the scanners), I suspect it will be at least £10. Few will pay it and the park will conclude that nobody is interested in just walking round the park.

They are great at trialling things in the worst way possible, basically setting them up to fail to confirm their bias. Like the Friday evening openings in September. They picked the quietest month of the season, and possibly the quietest day of the week, charged full price for less hours and still £50 on the gate, and did very little promotion of it. Then they concluded that nobody wants the park open in the evenings because nobody turned up! - If they had done that in August or October half term, and got the pricing right, it would have been a different story.

Or the last 12pm close they did (going back a few years now). When did they do it ? November !!!
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It wasn't a tenner walk round, it was also the train, river caves and ???
Fountains and gardens.
And dancing.
And dancing fountains.
Half the people that paid the tenner would probably be unable to get in and out of the river caves boats !!

You forgot the maze.

Still poor value and not many will pay a tenner if that is what they decide to do.

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From a tight Yorkshiremans perspective of course.
I know lots that happily used to pay it on occasion, mates, family and co workers.
Even the odd tight tyke.
Wasn't that when it was £6 though ? It only went up to £10 in the last year before it was scrapped (2019 I think) , and the park was visibly more empty as a result.
You are linking two events as cause and effect.
The park was quieter yes...
But we just don't know what made the park quieter...could have just been people finally having enough of a badly run place...or simply a poor season weatherwise.
You are linking two events as cause and effect.
The park was quieter yes...
But we just don't know what made the park quieter...could have just been people finally having enough of a badly run place...or simply a poor season weatherwise.

True, but I am sure people are less likely to pay £10 than they are to pay £6. You don't need to come from Yorkshire to work that out :)
66% increase in a year !

If they make it £10. It will fail.

They should just sell a minimum number of ride tickets to get in . Maybe make that £10 minimum if they want but at least people could then have a choice of a couple of rides to go on.

We all know that a hybrid POP/PPR system is the way to run an amusement park. It's just a shame it is now a "resort" and not an amusement park !!!!

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