A bit criminal of me but I'd never visited Blackpool pleasure beach. Always been a bucket list park for me from a young age due to their wide selection of coasters, a lot of which are very unique.
I visited last Thursday for my first ever time so I thought I'd share my thoughts. Heard lots of mixed things about Pleasure beach recently, mainly negative so I was a bit skeptical on how my day was going to be, but I had a great day and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
The park was open 11-5, and advertised to be closed was Ice Blast, River Caves and Grand Prix, (now announced it'll be closed for good) Nickelodeon land is also advertised to close at 4pm an hour before park closing.
I expected the park to be quiet, but the park was empty, according to staff this was the quietest day so far this season at just over 600 people on park. Most of the queue times on the app showed 10 minutes but nothing had a queue all day.
I'll list the coasters in the order I rated them worst to best...
10. Blueflyer - Smooth classic woodie, but very short and more of a kids coaster. Would be a great first coaster.
9. Infusion - Was dreading this but not as bad as people make out. Not a lot else to say really, standard SLC.
8. Steeplechase - Good fun and very unique but I did find a little uncomfy, every corner the seats dug into my hip a little.
7. Avalange - Enjoyed this, much preferred it to Europas. Although its short, it had a lot of force. Lovely station and a nice soundtrack.
6. Nick streak - Great airtime hills and very very smooth for its age. Trains were really comfy with all the padding.
5. Big one - Didn't know if I was going to get this as it was closed all day Wednesday due to high winds and high winds predicted for my visit too. Looking at the forecast winds were due to pick up at 1 so my best chance of getting this was getting on it early. Luckily it opened first thing but it did later close for the rest of the day. They were only loading the front 2 cars with the rest sandbagged.
First drop was great but apart from that, the rest of the layout nothing really happens. I imagine it was running slower than usual due to the winds. Would've liked to have tried the backrow (backrow looks lethal on that first drop) but was happy to get on it nonetheless!
4. Big dipper - Oldest rollercoaster I've ever ridden but was riding great for its age. Had some good drops and good airtime hills. All round enjoyable.
3. Grand national - I expected a lot from this, with people saying this is the best woodie in the country. I went straight on the back row and honestly felt like I'd just been beaten up. I saw someone on the other train on the 2nd to last row and it reminded me to ride non wheel seats

Much more enjoyable but could definitely do with some more work. Would've loved to have tried the other trains back in the day. The racing aspect of it is great fun and you do get some nice airtime.
2. Revolution - Had never done an Arrow launched loop so was great to get on one of these - good airtime moments especially on the front and back row. Chucks you out your seat. Particularly enjoyed going backwards on this.
1. Icon - This was great fun. Although this is my favorite at the park is it my favorite in the UK? Absolutely not. Do think its a bit over-hyped but its up there. Some good airtime on the back row and really enjoy the top hat too. Its a great length and its great how it interacts with other rides too.
Unfortunately didn't get to give Enso a go. Apparently they had the Enso train on first thing but took it off as it was predicted to be really quiet. Its a management decision weather to put it on or not in the afternoon based on crowds but they didn't, but understandable. Very expensive for what it is but would've liked to have gave it a go.
Valhalla - although it was a cold, windy and little wet day I couldn't come to Blackpool without getting on this.
Always loved indoor water rides, but wow. Completely blew me away. Hands down my favorite dark ride in the UK by far. I didn't know how I was going to find this as reviews are nowhere near as good as they were before.
I didn't get particularity wet on the drops, just from the effects but every time I went on the boat was to myself so I imagine thats down to the weight of the boat.
I know from reading before that the effects are unreliable and can differ all the time so I did lots of re-rides to see if it was any different.
Everything was consistent on my rides apart from the ring of fire which I only saw twice, although all the other fire was on every other ride. Also the waterfall as you go into the building didn't turn off on my first ride. For the rest of the day this was then just turned off.
After doing a bit of research since I've been back, the only effects I didn't see on any of my rides were the crashing logs and the rolling log. There also didn't seem to be any mist outside the ride like I've seen online too.
Particularly enjoyed
Skyforce too. My first Gerst Sky Fly and really enjoyed this. 1 good gust of wind and you are off for the rest for ride. Operator said I did 64 spins, which is certainly the most I've ever been upside down on a ride before.
So overall a good day. Got on everything I wanted to with lots of re-rides. For the most part staff were friendly enough and were fine with re-rides if there wasn't anyone waiting in the air gates. Hard to comment on operations, everything was on 1 train but there wasn't need for more than that on anything. I got my ticket just the day before for £35 which is reasonable too. I wouldn't rush back. Its nearly a 6 hour drive for me so unless they get something new worth traveling up for I wouldn't bother.
Bit worrying a bit recent ride closures and hearing how quiet it is even on weekends at the moment. Will be interesting to see how the park does going forwards as the future isn't looking particularly great. They have a lot of old rides which can't be cheap to maintain and the park isn't the most presentable...