Ok so here is my idea. It initially came about trying to find a better location for sonic, but then turned into a much larger extension of CCL. Im not sure if planning would even allow sonic to be relocated here but either way, this is my plan for
SEGA street
The expansion includes the removal of whatIi presumed was a storage building behind the frog hopper. This has also been replaced with a higher capacity, and more 'family friendly' drop tower (same manufacturer as Cranky the crane at thomas land) themed to pokemon as well as the addition of a flying elephant style ride, themed to Dr. Eggman's flying robots.
The last new flat ride is those circular boat rides found at drayton and thorpe, themed to super monkey ball.
Sonic Spinball will keep it's same name and theme, however will have more theming added such as golden hoops with 'pinging' sound effects as you pass through them, and a very small dark ride section at the start with neon lights and two screens where Dr. Eggman fires Sonic out of a cannon into a pinball machine, with a replica cannon at the bottom of the lift hill to simulate the same is happening to you. The inside of the cannon to be themed similar to that of Hulk's launch with smoke, lighting and sound effects. If possible the station will also feature a double station, which will be able to hold more cars and increase loading speed.
Ice age(C) will be changed to incorporate simulators similar to Despicable me Minion Mayhem's/Jimmy Neutrons and will be themed to a gumba training facility with a very similar storyline to despicable me's.
The largest attraction in the area will be the new flume/dark ride (g) This will replace CATCF and the burger king building to produce a giant indoor flume similar to Valhalla in size. The ride will be themed to pokemon where team rocket have stolen Pikachu and we have to chase them, passing through cold frozen regions to hot volcanic, with more and more dangerous pokemon as we go along as well as traps set out from Jessie and James.(So fairly similar to dudley do rights ripsaw falls)
Driving school is rethemed to mario kart.
F becomes a small arcade,
D is new sideshow games,
B remains wobble world, but themed to Sega heroes and the cafe
A becomes a gift shop
Buildings are themed similar to the ones from IOA Marvel Island but with sega heroes on them. The Purple lines are just themed facade walls to give a more streety feel.
And of course there will be numerous characters out and about, occasionally performing small shows.