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2015: 40th Anniversary

Sneak peek: the 40th anniversary parade at EP: ;)

Someone was at the park a few days ago for some corporate event.

He says Colombus Jolie is now a "must-ride" on every trip due to the new effects. :)

The cars can now be rotated by the rider. Whether this is manually or by buttons isn't clear.


Current state of the EuroTower work from a FB group called 'Freunde aus dem Europa-park!!!!' It looks like it won't be ready for opening day, but someone said they went on it at this corporate event although the station wasn't finished (???). I love the airship!

New photos of Don Quixote at El Andaluz. Clearly they're following the style of the refurbished Bodega.




El Andaluz Facebook.

epfans.info have a good gallery for those of you (like me) who can't remember what it looked like before. The change in style almost exactly matches that of the Bodega's re-do.
Sneak peak at the new queueline for Columbus Dinghy:


That looks like he man who sits under the stairs in Alcazar! But a million times better than before, the old cattle pen was never needed for a ride like that. I wonder if they will do the other ride next to it in Spain.
The first photo of the Dome of Dreams has leaked!


From parkerlebnis.de. A lot of the German fans are moaning because this isn't what they were expecting (they thought it'd be like Soarin' for some reason) but this is exactly what I thought they were building, basically. Love the beanbags too!


Also, a construction update on Bar Colosseo from their Facebook. Looks like they're making the outdoor terrace at the front entirely enclosed. That bar does desperately need an extension, it's usually impossible to get a seat!
From epfans.ch on Facebook...



The first pic shows almost Disney-esque theming! Splash Mountain or Seven Dwarves anyone...?

More nice photos of the new Colombus Jolle entrance and queue, but still none of the ride!




And here's the older, drabber entrance...


Massive improvement!
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Kolumbus looks so much better. As for Whale Adventures... they look like pretty major changes!

They've ripped out the horrible old queue that wasn't needed, but it could well be that the ride has been so substantially improved they'd be able to fill it now.
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Portugal, Atlantica Lake: High Diving Show (weekends and holidays June - September) new for 2015
Italy, Teatro dell'Arte: Spook Me! (daily April, May, June, September, October, November)
Italy, Teatro dell'Arte: White Balance (daily) new for 2015
France, Magic Cinema: The Time Carousel 4D (daily) new for 2015
Greece, Ice Arena: The Gods of Greece (daily) new for 2015
Spain, Arena: The return of the Black Knight (daily) new for 2015
England, Globe Theatre: Let's celebrate E.P! (daily) new for 2015
Italy, open air stage: Great birthday party (daily) new for 2015
Holland, Kinder Theatre: The secret of the magical rose (daily)
France, Puppet stage: The Fifth Wheel (daily)
Holland, Bamboo Bay: The Forbidden City (daily) new for 2015
Spain, Flamenco stage: Vivir la Vida (daily) new for 2015
Italy, Electric theatre: Iridescent Illusions (daily)
Italy, Electric theatre: Carnival in Venice (daily)
Children's world, stage: Show TBC (daily) new for 2015
Parade route: Europa-Park 40th birthday parade (daily) new for 2015

Plus live musical performances, street entertainment and shows across the hotel resort.

So I guess the new Whale Adventures will have an entrance at the front (as it always should have), circle around the whale in the top of the building and continue as normal? That should be ample queue length and open up a nice bit of space near Wodan.

I didn't expect quite so much to be inside though. I wonder if they are giving up on the guns altogether? All the external canons had been disabled on my last visit. A shame in some respect as I thought Whale Adventures was a really well executed Splash Battle, let down by Germany not being the best country for one and no interactive queue like Battle Galleons (which ironically this partially solves).
Well it's that time of year again, when Europa Park shout from the rooftops about everything they have done in their two short months of being closed... And with good reason as well!

Once again, the list of improvements and additions almost seems to be endless. So many aesthetic changes all across the park, plus the addition of new shows/parade with brand new songs and floats and almost a full season run of Spook Me! Not to mention all the changes over at the hotels as well.

I have to say, from the few clips shown of the two new cinema attractions, both look to be of amazing quality. Obviously I didn't doubt 'Das Zeit Karussell', but I have to admit the new Dome Cinema and 'Beautiful Europe' film look absolutely stunning as well!

All in all, 2015 looks set to be a fantastic Birthday Year for the worlds greatest Theme Park <3
I cannot wait to watch this video once I am home later - one of the highlights of the year! :D
The quantity of minor projects (be they refurbs, additions or enhancements) at Europa-Park this year is, to the best of my knowledge, unprecedented in the history of the amusement industry.

Edit: Some more photos from the media day.


Beer garden under construction.


New Europa-Park themed bank cards.


Arthur has a new entrance gate.



The Macks and the entertainers celebrating outside the Euro-Tower. Roland throwing some shade there.
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