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2015: Alton Towers Enchanted Village

I think the first few years the lodges will look a little odd, unless they plant lots and lots of full grown trees when it opens. If not there will be lots of these lodges with little trees everywhere. But I think it will all look good in the end and in its final setting, rather than placed on their own like that one is.
I'm not fussed on the doors either. Blending in with the environment or not, they look too weathered. Maybe a more subtle aged look like the rest of the lodge would have suited it more.

On the whole they look very nice on the outside. Not sure about small windows still, but the interior of the lodges will be more telling of whether they compliment the lodges or make them feel too dark.
Had a sneak peek through the Windows yesterday and took some slightly distorted images, I may post them but the towers snapshat just revealed proper images inside so it may be open for public viewing.

EDIT: Pictures have been posted on Alton Towers Facebook stating that they are open but oddly enough only one by the looks of it. They have also stated in the comments the following: "Please note - the lodge at the Theme Park is a sneak preview of the finished lodges, we don't want to give away all of the surprises just yet...."
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Here are the pictures for those that don't use Facebook:






They do look bare inside, and tiny. Although I'm hoping this is a sign of these being the preferable option for those on a lesser budget. The bare look could also mean they're keeping some finishing touches and potential theming away from this sneak peek lodge. Especially if the Enchanted Village has some kind of back story similar to ATH and Splash Landings.
Bordering on the definition of bland right there. The generic hotel sheets and bedding look utterly out of place, and the room with the bunk bed strikes similarities to a cheap student accommodation flat. They simply can't offer this option for anything within the price brackets of the hotels.

On a positive note however, I do like the log pillows.
Erm can't say I'm overy impressed with the insides. They look pleasent but they are very bland, and smaller than I was initially hoping for. Looking at those photos you would have to imagine these will be the lower priced accommodation, at least I hope so!

I don't know much student accommodation that has bunk beds...

I think they look nice, and will definitely suit a bracket between Splash and ATH. Towers have said that there is stuff they are keeping a surprise so that might be why certain theming elements are missing.
Really not keen on those floors...

Its like if your gonna have rugs and such down they should be real ones? And wthe wooden planked floor should be actual wood! Just seems really cheap printing stuff on the floor. Plus I can imagine the randomly placed (fake) rugs and such on weird angles will really annoy quite a few people who like things tidy and organised. (which when you stay at a hotel etc. Things should be neat and tidy looking) ;)
Think they look alright myself. Can't imagine they'll be left that bland, and if they're out in fields if it's muddy you want practical hard wearing materials (time will tell...) so it's inherently impractical to have real rugs.

I get the sense they're meant to be a bit more rugged, I still think they're quite charming! I hope they do a bit more to make the insides a little more welcoming and cozy if they don't, then I'll give them a barrel load of stick but for now, I really think the signs are good for these as a cheaper accommodation.
The lodges are about the same size as an ATH room, definitely bigger than a Splash room, the photos make it look smaller than it is.

I would hazard a guess more decoration and maybe a few pictures are a possibility in the finished product, and those duvets are ATH/ Splash duvets without the bed spread at the bottom. I would guess they haven't yet selected a spread for the lodges.
For goodness sake, are they actually employing any creatives in the design of these lodges?

I see no reason why the materials and furniture seen here won't be pretty much exactly what we will get for the finished lodges asides from a few colour changes. It wouldn't surprise me if they have't already ordered it all too.

Everything about the interior looks cheap and uninspired - from the plain bedding to the printed floors. The exterior actually looks half decent and is largely true to the design concepts but lacks attention to detail and can't be judged until seen in the lodge development surrounded by landscaping.

This is all still a far cry from the days of the original Alton Towers Hotel, Splash Landings and Cariba Creek. There is clearly a marked difference in quality and creativity.

The Tussauds Group would never have allowed such mediocrity for resort accommodation.

So I had a look in the lodge today and I have to say they look nicer in person than photos show.

I spoke to the staff member who said they aren't quite complete and they will have pictures on the walls as well as a tv, which is currently missing. The bed to me also doesn't look quite right, so I think it won't be the final product, and im sure they will have themed covers as well. I imagine there will be bits they might alter anyway. The small room is a bit bland, feels like it needs a desk or chair in there. I quite like the floor and it does look nice in person, I imagine its hard warring rather than a carpet or rug, and alot cheaper than a wooden floor.

There is also plenty of lighting in there so it doesn't feel dark. There is lighting on the ceiling and lots of lamps as well. I imagine they will be nice in the summer seating on the decking having a pint :)

Finally, its not 100% confirmed but the staff member said a lodge should cost about £150 and a treehouse will cost £650 where 8 can stay! It is also expected to open next Easter.

There are plenty of photos on the TowersStreet Facebook page.
£650! Mother of Wardley.

I look forward to seeing how big these tree houses actually are for 8 people.
£650 Might seem a lot but divide that by 8 and that makes it £81.25 per night. Dependent on how swanky they are they may be a amazing price. If they are going to be like the treehouses in Center Parcs then I would throw the money to them right now!

Also I assume the 20% hotel prices will still apply to AP holders knocking £130 off the price.

If you have not seen the Center Parcs Treehouses, see the reference images below:




Fair enough, point taken. However, how many groups of 8 people do you think will go to Towers, stay over at Towers, and choose a tree house to stay in? ;)
£650! Mother of Wardley.

I look forward to seeing how big these tree houses actually are for 8 people.

Sorry thats quite funny cause when I saw that I honestly thought of a ginger cat. (My cat is called wardley you see and his mum was ginger) ;)