The whole building looks to be similar size to the Secret Garden space (although I hope that isn't the aerial perspectives distorting the view too much). Cramming entertainment, dining and a check in lobby is going to be quite a squeeze.
At fireworks and scare fest many will stay in park later and go straight to rooms if they have kids so less need for entertainment.
Umm, the first paragraph in my post was that in the summer they can do outdoor entertainment. It would be very easy to do some kind of outdoor pirate training camp activity or similar for kids. As I said Warwick Castle had very well reveiwed knight school activities at their camping ( enough, there's a season outside of Scarefest and Fireworks to accommodate also, particularly the summer. The need for entertainment to be revamped and expanded on at the resort side of Towers is in dire need of looking at.
At fireworks and scare fest many will stay in park later and go straight to rooms if they have kids so less need for entertainment.
They don't though. Probably 70-80% of families staying in the hotel during Scarefest leave the park by 7 and watch hotel ents. I've seen many cases over the years at peak season and events where both hotels have been heaving with guests and families, putting a lot of pressure on the limited facilities on offer.
The village project was a chance to ease this pressure off the hotels.
Without reading all the discussion, not all parents will want their children to be out in the cold until 9pm. Chances are they want to return to the constant warmth of the hotels regardless of what the park has to offer. I think that is always going to be the case some of the time. It's just people's/families's personal preference.