I've got a suspicion that SW8 might
just be a dark ride...
I'm thinking this for various reasons:
*It won't be a big thrill coaster such as likes of The Smiler, as the park management must surely recognise that a new family attraction is needed. Also a big thrill coaster wouldn't suit the area. This pretty much rules out B&M I'm afraid.
*Its unlikely to be some form of family outdoor coaster also. Being in such close proximity to the runway mine train, any outdoor family coaster would be too similar, also Spinball has that base covered not far away.
*The area's size. It really isn't the largest site considering pretty much all the woods the flume uses is protected, this really only leaves the lake's basin area.
*The theme. Assuming mutiny bay is retaining its pirate theme, an indoor "castle" style ride would work a treat. This could also incorporate a water ride possibly, filling in the gap left by the flume.
*The area currently occupied by CATCF is likely to at some point become a family coaster much needed that side of the park, reducing the need for one in Mutiny Bay.
Obviously its all just speculation, but I just have this feeling that If towers do go down that route they could really pull it off with something unique, marketable and fun!