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2018: General Discussion

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The monorail's former throughput when they used to run 7 trains was around 4100 pph, currently the most they run on busy days is 5 trains, and with the slower loading that gives a throughput of around 2200 pph. Most of the time these days outside of school holidays it's always running 3 trains though.
Also, since the gate was put in on the ramps the staff have always started loading the platform when the train is half in the station.

They also currently have all trains in use apart from the explorer train, which hasn't been out in about 2 years now.
Visited on Friday for the first time in about two years.

With fairly low expectations of the park in general, at the end of the day (apparently 4pm o_O) I left feeling a little more positive about the place. However, the day didn't go by without a few negatives and I'm in two minds about whether it's worth another visit and where they'll go from here.

I'll start with a huge positive. Wickerman. (Spoiler tag just in case)


- Great coaster. A lot faster than it looks. Some nice airtime and a bit of that Wodan dna with quick transitions and smooth running. Obviously not as intense but it fills a brilliant gap (left by Corkscrew's departure I think) for a younger audience who want something more than Thi3teen, RMT and Spinabll.​

- The pre-show is a good length, great lighting and wonderfully bass-y. Wasn't expecting the head reveal which was a nice surprise although I fear the projection mapping will go the same way as the Smiler's.​

- Music is really good with ITHOTMK subtly woven in and not as obnoxios as the Smiler's.​

- Station building lighting is very effective and I like the Scottish accent ride announcements.​

- A fantastic lack of cattle pens!​

- The wickerman structure itself looks good although fire was absent unfortunately​

- A great general sense of quality. I don't think I saw anything that looked cheap/slap-dash/lazy. Such a great investment and I really hope this continues for future additions.​

- The fake fire effects in the tunnel before the station. Jesus christ they made me jump. Blew right in my face and I cricked my neck recoiling. Won't hold that against the ride though! It's a nice touch.​

Negatives (nitpicking I guess)

- I might be wrong, but would I be right in thinking that in order for GCI to accomodate small children in the restraints they have to compromise on larger people getting on? There was a bloke who I wouldn't describe as overweight, just a large build, and the restraints wouldn't click. Just think it's a shame for someone who would get on most other rollercoasters being turned away at the last second for this.​

- The lift chain doesn't stop/slow between trains, so when you're queuing under the lift hill the CLACKCLACKCLACKCLACK never stops and is really quite loud.​

- Guests are encouraged to move as far forward as possible before the preshow starts. As a result, they cannot see the projections and miss out on the head a little.​
I enjoyed seeing Hex since its refurbishment for the first time. Looked fantastic but the vocal audio in the cinema was far too loud and the music in the vault was far too quiet.

Popped my head in the Welcome-Inn, big improvement although I've never spent much time in there.

I like the addition of speakers between mutiny bay and the towers by the gardens. The music was pleasant and you could hear it a little in the gardens too.

Speaking of the gardens.

Colourful but... eugh :(

Duel's changes are good for the most part. Yes it looks a bit purple but I do think the whole ride is darker than before which is great. Not a fan of the LCD portraits in the queue but the new music was good. I did actually like Duel's original soundtrack but it's done well for a refresh. It was interesting to see an almost direct comparison of UV when walking through the shop under the UV tubes, no purple glow there!

Rapids is a bit rubbish without the waterfalls and since when did they light the tunnel? Has this been permanent since the Drayton accident?

I know it's been said numerous times... The Smiler is GROTTY. Flipping heck. That queue is absolutely abysmal already but it's current state of decay was quite shocking given its age. People who still have reservations about its safety will see it as being left to rot, which certainly won't help. I'd be making sure it was pristine even if just for the visual effect of a ride in good working order.
I still enjoy The Smiler even if it does chuck you about, operations were poor however. The lass batching guests just didn't give a toss. She put two in row 1, two in row 3 and didn't join them up to free up a row. She asked "how many?" for the next group and when they said "three" she didn't ask any groups behind. No wonder it was achieving 430pph. Infuriating.

That's about it really. We didn't venture anywhere else in the park, my other half has zero interest in coasters. I did well to get her on the Wickerman twice! A good day but I shan't visit till at least next season.

Also they had zero Oblivion merch in Towers Trading... I wanted a t-shirt.
And....... guess what wickerman out of action. What's it's reliability compared to icon? Has anyone got data after 1 week?

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And....... guess what wickerman out of action. What's it's reliability compared to icon? Has anyone got data after 1 week?

Sent from my SM-J320FN using Tapatalk
I could give a one word answer, however that language is filtered here :D

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Last edited:
And....... guess what wickerman out of action. What's it's reliability compared to icon? Has anyone got data after 1 week?

Sent from my SM-J320FN using Tapatalk

Worse but you also have to factor in the massive restart faff Towers now have (managers have to attend to restart after downtime) so a 5 minute stoppage becomes a 15 minute one at Towers.

So some of the downtime is process rather than the ride but Mack make very reliable coasters.
Just a joke again on park today gave up on wickerman as was told to go to other attractions due to out of action arrived at smiler supposed to be 60 mins queue but more like 100 queue just not moving. The place can't cope with the visitors. Interesting to see that Cbeebies Land is quieter than main park. Or ops could be better there?

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They bought 10 from the Expo

Years ago they crashed 2 into each other and made one from the wreckage, then wrecked daisy a few years ago.

As for how many of the remaining 8 currently work I have no idea, I suspect at least a couple are out of use at any given time.
Warning: non story alert!

Birmingham Mail: Alton Towers visitors left dangling on 180ft drop rollercoaster after fault.

via Google News
Apart from the last bit of that article where they quoted who appears to be an absolute moron, it's interesting that people seem more annoyed with the down time and the impact it has on their day rather than all that crash hype nonsence we used to read.

You can't blame them really, with ma y of the backup rides closed and the small window that stingy park opening hours provides, you need everything to work when you're ready to ride it. Down time is only more noticeable because of these 2 factors.
Shock horror, a news publication exaggerates something which is a fairly common occurrence. Lucky gits on the car getting a free lift walk ;)
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