Matey, I need to buy you a drink when the park is owned by operators who actually value customer experience. Maybe that will be in many years time when the park is sold to an operator who holds profit on the same page as customer experience.
Deep down, as fans, we all know the park needs to make a profit, but does the current structure need to make such a profit that it's detrimental to how the park is?
As a loyal fan, I categorically state that I will not visit until something changes. I will tell people who ask me my opinion, not to bother going, to keep their money or go somewhere else.
i do not accept how the park is being run and because of that I refuse to give them any of my money. Yes, I am missing out on riding Nemesis, but when the area around the said ride is such a mess, why would I want too anyway?
Merlin, enough is enough? Alton Towers, enough is enough !!!!!
Alton Towers deserves to be much much more than Merlin currently operate it at.