Any one would think you want the park to close.Smiler crash victims to sue Alton Towers
I've lost all faith in the park this season, so good luck to the victims’s-owners-for-millions-of-
Yeah but only a naive person would think that there wouldn't be repercussions for AT from Merlin in some form or other if the suing was successful.They're actually going to sue Merlin Attractions Ltd and not Alton Towers.
Smiler crash victims to sue Alton Towers
I've lost all faith in the park this season, so good luck to the victims
Edit, the link no longer works so here is some more links (take your pick)’s-owners-for-millions-of-pounds/ar-BBNwPIj
(with all those paid for prosthesis and extras).
My should not take three years to finalise any claim.
I think Merlins follow up statement is simply damage limitation following prevarication by their solicitors to stump up a realistic settlement.
What were their profits again last year?
Get your finger out of your corporate arse and pay up in a timely manner.
The Mail speaks with forked do Merlin.
Pleased to see you know the ins and outs of this complex case.
Anything legal takes forever.
It's amazing how many people think that Jess' wheelchair cost £50 and that the NHS provides them. Actually we get no help in the way of wheelchairs funding from the NHS and her wheelchair cost us £2000 each and three months to have specially made. Hence why people should never lean on one, they do break and the parts are very expensive to replace. The £50 bog standard wheelchairs that you can buy are for those that only temporarily use them, if you are using them full time, you need something more specialised, and the same goes for prosthesis, cheap ones are not comfortable or ideal for long term use.
that was just the fine they had to pay.. went into the governments pocketsI thought the victims already received money from Merlin when the company was ordered to pay £5million in September 2016?