Are you referring to the Lib Dems potentially striking a coalition deal with the Conservatives like in 2010? If so, I'd say that's now incredibly unlikely as their two visions on Brexit could not be more different; in my eyes, a Labour-Liberal Democrat coalition looks far more likely.Individual seat-specific dynamics aside, voting Liberal Democrats could easily lead them to once again being the kingmakers of a Conservative government if they split the anti-Brexit vote and allow a Tory majority. It would be ironic if they facilitated Brexit as a result of Swinson's questionable tactics.
Okay. You still haven't said why anyone should vote Tory. And "I don't like Corbyn" or "they'll get Brexit done" don't count.
Good lord no I do not
Good lord no I do not
This is utter horsesh*t.Im not sure if you can recall how bad , very bad the utility and transport was while government run. completely underfunded, a complete shambles
at least in private hands they have an invested interest to keep a higher standard..
Why should I, as someone who has seen the devastation which austerity has caused to communities across the country, with the poorest taking the hardest hit, with food bank use sky rocketing, with the countries debt ever raising and spiraling out of control vote Tory?
It just doesn't make sense.
Why should I, someone who has seen the benefit of the Erasmus program and the opportunity it gives to students to learn so much, vote Tory?
It doesn't make any sense.
Why should I, who have seen the EU pump upwards of 7 million pounds into my local area to support green businesses, and environmental research to help the fishing community, vote Tory?
It doesn't make sense!
Why should I, someone in tens of thoundsnod pounds of debt, with no possible escape, all down to their policy decisions, vote Tory?
It does not make sense.
Why should I, someone who has seen their inability to find cross party support for the most important legislation they have tried to pass in decades, their total failure to admit this would obviously become a problem, their complete lack of clarity, honesty, moral worth, to admit what they are doing, and try and avoid scrutiny as much as possible, so far as to not publish their legal texts without being forced, so far as to try and illegally porogue parliment, so far as to claim they'd rather be dead in a ditch, vote Tory?
It makes no sense.
Why should I vote for the party responsible for the 'hostile environment' policies, the windfall scandal, the downright mean deportation of parents leaving their British children behind. People who have built lives, contributed enormously to society and our communities be treated as criminals, as less than human under the conservatives policies. Why should I vote for that party?
It makes no sense
Why should I vote for a party who lay lounging in commons, eyes closed, not paying attention while disaster after disaster befall me, my friends and my family.
It doesn't make sense.
You only need open your eyes and you'll see the damage the conservatives have done. And they have the gall to remove those most affected by their policies, those who have fallen homeless at their cruel policies. They banish them away from the steps of Westminster and Whitehall so they don't have to look at what they've done.
The conservatives have set a rot on this country, and it's plain for all to see. If you care about humanity, you'd sooner be dead in a ditch than vote conservatives. And you can hold me to that. I assure you my words mean more than our current PMs.
That is very cynical, but also very true!!Matt...three things you need to know before your first vote.
The majority of politicians tell lies, repeatedly.
They say things that they think the public want to hear.
They make secret agreements with the other parties behind closed doors, then lie about what they agreed.
It is called democracy.
but if you vote labour this is the person that may..While I think a number of the examples cited in that list are egregious and in bad faith @SirDossa, nobody in this thread is actually waving a flag for Jeremy Corbyn himself, even if they're voting Labour. And criticising past decisions of the opposition leader doesn't justify the character or numerous cases against Boris, nor his plans for Brexit.
but if you vote labour this is the person that may..end up running the country
Ill feel safer with good old BJ in charge
One thing I will say about Labour, though, is that I don't think I am anywhere near as far left on the political spectrum as Jeremy Corbyn seems to be. I'd personally describe myself as in the centre of the political spectrum with perhaps a slight bias to the left. I'm not sure whether any of you would agree, but I'd say that Corbyn seems to be quite far left. I'm also not sure whether some of their recently announced policies would work in practice. For example, the shadow chancellor recently said that he didn't want there to be any billionaires in Britain whatsoever; I'm not really sure how you'd go about getting rid of every billionaire in the country or taking their wealth in an ethical way. I'm also unsure how Labour could abolish private schools in this country; while I agree that every child should be entitled to a good education, surely Labour can't force the private schools to shut down or make them become part of the state system. Am I missing something here?
Are you referring to the Lib Dems potentially striking a coalition deal with the Conservatives like in 2010? If so, I'd say that's now incredibly unlikely as their two visions on Brexit could not be more different; in my eyes, a Labour-Liberal Democrat coalition looks far more likely.
But if that's not what you mean, I apologise for misinterpreting you.