I still struggle with Brexit being completed "in whatever form that takes" - a Labour Brexit would be entirely different to that proposed by Johnson, a Johnson negotiated Brexit would be entirely different to the one proposed by Farage (the one last week, not this week). So different, that only a portmanteau brings them together, therefore the "referendum contract will be completed" in a way that doesn't reflect what a huge number of the 17.4 million signatories signed up for.
yes it would, the question was simply, "leave" or "remain" all of those listed options would result in leaving the EU.
Then your expectations of the vote were categorically wrong.
Wouldn't you like to have another vote where the result is legally binding, particularly now that we're all much clearer about what is on the table?
As it stands, an unprecedented number of citizens have come together to "advise" that they want to leave the EU and a large minority of citizens have "advised" that they would like to stay, both under the garrentee of the entire political class, that the majority opinion would be passed.
That creates a sort of unwritten social contract between the people and government that regardless of what "the book" says, the winning vote will be enacted!
Now, they have broken that contract and are using a separate, legal, contract as justification. And I find that to be unacceptable, why should any of us ever vote again, if they can just make excuses to ignore our vote?
You're still ignoring the fact that your democracy voted based on misinformation and lies.
This is why we should vote again, not because we don't like the result.
Then why don't we permanently shut down all government while we repeat this current election forever?
Since it's an impossibility to get through an election cycle without someone spreading misinformation at some point and due to the nature of elections, any misinformation is capable of meaningfully altering votes...should we repeat it because we voted based on misinformation? What about next time? And the time after that, and so on...
Also, what is "my democracy" And is it any different from "democracy"?
And if you don't mind me asking, what is your personalised democracy?
The referendum was advisory, as such it means nothing. It was a suggestion to follow a path, we followed that path for the last 3 years no matter how high the expenses got, no matter the disasters that befell us. It's time to ask the public again and see how things have changed.
Oh yeah, those expenses and disasters that were caused by parliament forcing us to keep taking extension after extension in a blatant and disgusting attempt to stop us from leaving.
It seems to be the current plan...keep us in limbo until we get desperate and give up.