Exactly the same date as Blackpool, who have given up on opening at full price in the dodgy weather.For anyone looking to be super organised, looks like there is an opening date for 2023. Saturday 18th March.
2023 Short Breaks are now bookable - (until June at the moment). No sign of any midweek closures so far, which is always a positive.
Family Short Breaks, Theme Park Holidays | Alton Towers Resort
Extend the fun of a day out into a short break. Enjoy our theme park and attractions and stay in our magical, family friendly accommodation. Book online today!www.altontowers.com
Also, I know this isn’t strictly a Towers issue and more of an industry issue but holy crap the price of Fastrack is insane.
I'm inclined to agree with you there. I thought it was pretty cool when it was new but over the past couple of years it's really fallen out of favour with me. It has become rough in places - there's one particular inversion about 3/4 of the way through that it just unpleasants and slams my head against the restraint so hard it's just painful. The queueline is miserable - very claustrophobic in that pit, you really do feel like caged cattle, and the indoor section of the queue is a sensory hellhole. It always seems to have queues of 70+ minutes whenever I'm in the park and I can rarely be bothered with it anymore; in recent times I've opted for a reride on Wicker Man instead.
- I do need to discuss The Smiler as I don’t think I got this experience back in 2013. The ride has not aged particularly well, there were a few elements that felt rough and whippy in a painful way. Maybe I’m just getting old but this was the only ride I felt that ‘1 and done’ was quite enough – perhaps 14 inversions is too many. I can see the appeal in the ride however, it’s just not one for me. Besides the ride hardware though, the theme is awful and most of it looks old/broken already. The soundtrack is so irritating it actively put us off going into X-Sector at all later in the day. Plus that’s accompanied by random strobe lighting that has zero explanation/’story’ purposes in the inside queue portion - just irritating. On the pre first lift hill stack, there was an obnoxiously loud laughing track, I saw multiple people put their fingers in their ears to block it out, it really was that loud and uncomfortable! If their aim was to create a theme that people can actively hate, they succeeded.
Honestly I'm not sure what's going on with Oblivion these days, it used to eat through queues. For some reason they're purposefully not loading eight seats these days, last weekend when I was there the restraints in the leftmost seats were permanently locked, I can only speculate as to why. Batching seems to have got a lot worse at Merlin parks, a lot of the time you're just left to batch yourselves and there's no effort to direct different group sizes to fill as many seats as possible. I suspect it may be a staffing issue.
- Operations seemed solid, except for Oblivion. No effort to fill up bays properly and stacking forever on the brake run. A quiet day in September with other rides offering walk-on and it was the longest queue of the day. Should be an absolute queue destroyer, surely? Shame, because I used to love multiple re-rides on Oblivion, especially when single rider was a thing.
It's a mess isn't it? It did sort of make sense as an 80s dragster-racing theme but now I don't think anyone knows what it's trying to be. Spooky-forest dragster racing? Err, OK... Tbh the whole Dark Forest area just doesn't work for me, the theme chosen for Thirteen was so different from Rita that it was a mistake in my view to shoehorn them both into a themed area. And then they added a waltzer for some reason... Not great.
- First-time comment in Rita queue: “What is going on here, what’s the theme? Why are we riding hot-rod style cars with flames on the side?”
Glad you enjoyed Nemmie after such a long hiatus, it's almost a shame they have to retrack it as it's still running really well in my view, but I'm obviously glad that the park has chosen to preserve the ride for the sake of posterity. It will leave a huge hole in the ride line-up next year though
- This is a trite remark, but it cannot be overstated, Nemesis is an absolutely stellar rollercoaster. I surprised myself by how excited I was to ride again after such a long absence. Look forward to experiencing post-retrack.
Practically you are absolutely right, price everyone out and it becomes a non-issue. We are where we are now and free fast track is long gone, so realistically your solution is the only one that might actually happen!If Fasttrack is cheap then everyone buys it and there is no benefit anymore. Far better for it to be stupidly expensive so few people buy it and the main queue moves faster. I actually think it is still too cheap. I'd rather have a crazy high price and a fast moving main queue.
I'm inclined to agree with you there. I thought it was pretty cool when it was new but over the past couple of years it's really fallen out of favour with me. It has become rough in places - there's one particular inversion about 3/4 of the way through that it just unpleasants and slams my head against the restraint so hard it's just painful. The queueline is miserable - very claustrophobic in that pit, you really do feel like caged cattle, and the indoor section of the queue is a sensory hellhole. It always seems to have queues of 70+ minutes whenever I'm in the park and I can rarely be bothered with it anymore; in recent times I've opted for a reride on Wicker Man instead.
I know exactly what you mean about caged cattle, for me the horrid queue line and white brick station building have always reminded me of an abattoir or a prison, I find them absolutely awful and depressing. As for the music and the “ha ha” jingle that blasts you when sat waiting to engage the lift hill I can’t stand them either, I like the idea behind theming and the concept of it but I just find the execution of it nasty and very unpleasant. And then that dark disorientating walkthrough at the end, can’t stand it.
I’ll try and do them first this time against the order I usually would just in caseI believe 35mph+ will see the closure of The Smiler and Oblivion.
At the point of monitoring, not necessarily what you feel on the ground. I was there in June and Oblivion shut due to high winds. On the ground it felt like a perfect spring day with a light wind, but at the top of Oblivion, it was a howling gale in comparisonI believe 35mph+ will see the closure of The Smiler and Oblivion.
Yeah McDonalds in Uttoxeter was out of Fanta on Sunday. My daughter who works part time at McDonalds near me said they are having supply issues too with drinks from the Coca Cola company (Coke, Fanta, Sprite etc - basically the drinks in the Freestyle machines)Changing the topic, but going back to the coke issues on park. I was recently at Nandos and they only had coke as a soft drink option, we spoke to the manager who said there’s big supply issues with coke at the moment and they can’t get the usual size bags of syrups, which is why it’s out of stock.
So I assume towers is having the same issue which is why you can’t get soft drinks at the majority of the kiosks around the park. Only at the restaurants, which I guess use the bigger syrup pouches.
Don’t think that’s linked to coke freestyle as I believe that’s a different issue.
Yeah McDonalds in Uttoxeter was out of Fanta on Sunday. My daughter who works part time at McDonalds near me said they are having supply issues too with drinks from the Coca Cola company (Coke, Fanta, Sprite etc - basically the drinks in the Freestyle machines)
Yeah fair enough but my point was that its the Coca Cola company supplying them hence the supply issuesThe Freestyle machines use different syrups to the regular post mix machines. Freestyle is much more concentrated which is why they can offer more flavours from the small footprint machines.