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2023: General Discussion

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Interestingly, Nitrogenie seems to have reappeared on the park’s website under “Snacks”: https://www.altontowers.com/explore/theme-park/restaurants-shops/

Could this suggest that the former kiosk in Gloomy Wood is reopening as Nitrogenie once again for this season?

Also, Spooks’R’Us is still on there… does that mean that the shop is not getting rethemed alongside the opening of The Curse at Alton Manor?
Interestingly, Nitrogenie seems to have reappeared on the park’s website under “Snacks”: https://www.altontowers.com/explore/theme-park/restaurants-shops/

Could this suggest that the former kiosk in Gloomy Wood is reopening as Nitrogenie once again for this season?

Also, Spooks’R’Us is still on there… does that mean that the shop is not getting rethemed alongside the opening of The Curse at Alton Manor?
I actually don't ever think Nitrogenie was removed from the website. It obviously should've been, but I think it's always been there since it opened in 2015, and just never removed.
I actually don't ever think Nitrogenie was removed from the website. It obviously should've been, but I think it's always been there since it opened in 2015, and just never removed.
Really? That makes that revelation… somewhat less interesting. I thought they’d have removed Nitrogenie when they closed it.

I do wonder whether the kiosk may reopen for this year, though. At very least, I wonder if it’s been rethemed seeing as it previously had “Prepare to Duel” written on it in rather prominent lettering…
Really? That makes that revelation… somewhat less interesting. I thought they’d have removed Nitrogenie when they closed it.

I do wonder whether the kiosk may reopen for this year, though. At very least, I wonder if it’s been rethemed seeing as it previously had “Prepare to Duel” written on it in rather prominent lettering…
Yeah, I'm 95% certain that it's always been on there. I hope the unit just sells general snacks or something, but it themed in with the area. I would also expect Spooks R Us to be no more as well.
Yeah, I'm 95% certain that it's always been on there. I hope the unit just sells general snacks or something, but it themed in with the area. I would also expect Spooks R Us to be no more as well.
Are we thinking that Alton Towers are just waiting until the area reopens to update the website, then?

Although given that Buy The Smiler seems to be conspicuously absent from the list of shops, the website lists may not be exhaustive…
Are we thinking that Alton Towers are just waiting until the area reopens to update the website, then?

Although given that Buy The Smiler seems to be conspicuously absent from the list of shops, the website lists may not be exhaustive
I can see Buy The Smiler on the list, but I'm just guessing they are waiting until the season starts. Spinjam is also listed as new for 2022, they don't like updating their website until necessary by the looks of it.
Despite the fact that the website is the first touchpoint that many guests will have with the resort, it's inconveniently one of the last to be updated. As much as it's meant to be a useful resource, I wouldn't take what it says as absolute fact any more until there's actual images/physical confirmation from the park.
On a side note, I also noticed that on the app map, The Curse at Alton Manor is labelled, but it still has the Duel visual with the lasers present on there:
I wonder if this will get updated? Or will the park leave it like that?
The food in Just Chicken is that good they haven't even got a photo for it? 🤔
Probably because it was all branded as Fried Chicken Co and they couldn’t be bothered to get any new promo shots.

And yes Nitrogenie has never been removed from the website. Despite last being open in 2019 and then getting boarded up in 2021 (I think).

Then again it’s the same website which had Enterprise on there whilst it was in bits for a year. And Wobble world and the twirling toadstool listed as closed for refurbishment.
The map on the app has been updated to include new retro ride, remove roller disco and changes to Curse at Alton Manor appearance.

Nemesis construction site is a nice touch.
But they STILL can't get Heave Ho!'s name right so may as well just cancel the season now tbh
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